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Colbys pov:

I woke up at 7:39am half way leaned over the edge of the couch with a massive hangover and thats when I knew today was gonna be long.

I managed to sit up and take a look around Jake was passed out on one of the red chairs next to the window, Corey was on the other side of the couch but he was actually laying on it and not kneeling on the floor, Sam was passed out on the floor below to couch, And I assume that Elton and Aaron were asleep on the bed which I was right.

"Fuck-" I groaned sitting up eventually making my way onto the side of the couch. "Colby?" Sam sat up looking at me his hair ruffled and with bags under his eyes. "Morning." I spoke leaning back onto the couch. "Dude i blacked out so hard last night." Sam got up and sat next to me. "Yeah, me to like right after Truth, Dare, Or Drink i guess i just passed out over the arm of the couch."

I shruged as Sam leaned his head onto my shoulder. "Yeah I dont even know how the fuck i passed out on the god dang floor." He laughed as Jake woke up. "Ugh brother what time is it?" Jake mumbled. "Almost 7:56. Oh shit." Jake yawned.

"Bro wait like, how the fuck are we gonna get home if everyone's hung over?" Jake looked at me and Sam. "I mean I don't remember how much Elton drank last night, and i know Aaron didn't drink much at all it was mostly Me, Sam and You so hopefully someone's good enough to drive home."

Jake nodded as he grabbed his water from last night off of the ground. "So what time do we gotta be out of this room?" Jake asked as he set down his water and looked up at me and Sam. "I think at 11:30? I really don't know." I groaned running my fingers through my hair.

"Alright." Jake picked up his phone from underneath him as Aaron walked frm around the corner siting on the 2nd red chair. " Morning Aaron." Jake looked up at him and smiled. "Morning." Aaron yawned.

"How'd you sleep? Pretty good actually well minus Elton kneeing me in the back. Oh shit, are you alright?" Sam chuckled. "Yeah ill be fine." Aaron shruged it off as we heard Elton yawn and start to walk into the living room.

"Oh shit you guys are already awake. Yeah." Jake yawned again cuddling up into a ball. "Well we gotta be outta here at 11am so you guys can go back to sleep or we can just hang out, it doesn't matter to me."

Elton shoved Corey's legs over and sat down next to me. "So are you gonna drive?" Jake looked at Elton. "Yeah, why? Ok I was just making sure we had someone to drive home." Jake burried his face back into his arms. As Corey sat up. "Morning." Corey said.

"Alright now that everyone's awake why not we get cleaned up, pack up our things, and go get some breakfast." Elton stood up. "Alright." Sam got up and stretched.

We finished cleaning up the room and packing our things it was around 9:30am by the time we finished so we had a few hours until we had to check out.

"Alright you guys ready to go?" Elton grabbed his bag. "Yep." Aaron shruged as we started to walk out the door.

"Were gonna get food after we check out right?" Jake pondered as we got into the elavator. "Yes Jake were gonna go to McDonald's or something like that." Elton said as the elavator door opened.

We checked out and walked to the car throwing our bags inside. We got in the car and started to drive down to McDonald's.

"Alright what is everyone getting because were gonna go throught the drive through." Elton looked back at us.

We ordered our food and started to drive back home.

Sam nuzzled into the crook of my neck as I took a drink of his dr.pepper. "So did everyone have fun this week?" Elton chimed. "Hell yeah!" Jake yelled, and Corey nodded.

"Yeah it was awesome thanks Elton." Sam smiled as me and Aaron agreed. "Well im glad everyone had fun. Yeah I need to start coming on more trips with you guys." Aaron sighed. "Yeah Aaron I think you would have a blast." Jake leaned over to back seat.

We continued to talk and laugh as we drove home that day. This trip was one of the best things we've ever done. We all had fun and we were all together, and thats all that matters.

We arived back to the Traphouse and we got out of the car and walked inside. "Alright you guys ready to film." Jake sighed flopping down onto the couch. Me and Sam looked at eachother knowing that were gonna spill the news. "Yeah I think were ready!" I chimed looking back at Jake and the others..

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