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Sams pov:

About 2-3 hours later we made it back to the Luxor after walking around the Strip. "Time to go gambling!!" Colby exclaimed. "Fuck yeah!!" I yelled back as he grabbed my hands and started swinging me around with him. "Woohoo!" Colby yelled with excitement.

"Colby are you drunk already?" Corey started laughing. "No, well maybe a little but come on Corey look where we are of course im gonna get drunk and party a littleee!" Colby wiggled his shoulders. "Come on guys lets go hopefully win some cash!" Jake playfully punched Corey's shoulder.

"Fuck yeah race you!" Jake and Corey start running into the Casino as Aaron and Elton ran after them. "Come on Sam lets go!" Colby grabs my hand tight and we start to run after them.

"Colby slow down im tripping over my own feet!" I start laughing as I almost fell on my face. We catch up to them and I put my hands on my knees as I caught my breath. "Jesus Colby could you have ran any faster." I snicker as I look up at him. "I don't know could, you have ran any slower Sam?" We started laughing as I jokingly flipped him off.

"Come on lets go!" Colby grabs my hand as we walk over to some of the slot machines, the sent of cigarette smoke coats the air and the sound of small talk from the people playing other games light up the casino as we walk through crowds of people. "You ready." Colby looks up at me after putting his money into the slot machine. I nod and put my money in as well then I stand up and wait for colby to count down. "3...2..1. GO!"

we slam down the levers and we stare into the screen as the symbols start to spin. "Damn it!" Colby sighed and I look over at his slot machine to see two 7's and a cherry. "At least I got two dollars." He shruged "yeah." I look over at my machine to see that I didn't win anything. "Shit."

Colby snickered. "Not funny. Yes funny, now come on lets go try some other machine's. Ok." We played a few more machines and got nothing so instead  we went to see what the others were up to Corey kicking Jake's ass at darts. Me and Colby run over to them and we stood by Elton. "So hows the game going?"

Colby said as he nudged eltons shoulder. "Corey already got 1 inner bullseye and 10 on triple so Corey has 80 points . God damn, how much has Jake gotten? A 17 single." Colby nods. Then Jake throws his last dart and it lands on 15 single. "32!"

Elton yells at Jake. Then Corey throws his last dart and it lands on 17 single. "And 97 for Corey!" Colby then looks at me and tilts his head over to the bar in the Casino. "Sam wanna go over there while they gamble? Sure why not!" We walk over and sit down at the bar.

"Hey can I get some Crown Royal and.." he turns to me. "Hey Sam what do you want? Uh I guess I'll have the Cosmopolitan cocktail its looks good. Alright do you want it in a highball glass, regular cocktail glass, or something smaller? Highball is fine I guess." I shruged "Alright."

Colby then orders our drinks. "So are you having fun? Oh yeah this is a blast, and hey thank you Colby. For what? For making this day so fun I know its only been the first day but I really can't thank you enough.

Of course Sam thats what im here for I want you to have a blast and I want to make this the time of your life, oh and guess what! What? Were getting room service and Elton also is paying for all our drinks tonight so he said get as much as we want!

Holy shit are you serious! Would i be telling you if I wasn't?" Colby laughed. "Well, I guess not!" We then get our drinks. "Holy shit this glass is huge! Sam i asked you if you wanted one. No I know that I've had drinks in a high ball glass before but damn this is like super sized! " Colby started laughing.

"Im still gonna drink it though this looks fucking great!" I take a drink of it and it tastes wonderful as expected. "This tastes awesome try some Colby." I pass the glass over to him. "Alright." He takes a drink of it. "Fuck thats great. I know!"

Then I look over to see Elton, Jake, Corey, and Aaron walking over to us each of them holding a bit of cash. "You guys ready to go?" Elton asked us. "Oh yeah you ready Colby?" He nodded. "Yeah come on lets go."

We stood up, grabbed our drinks, and we all walked out of the Casino and back to the elevators. "So did you guys have fun?" Aaron asked us as me and Colby looked at eachother and smiled.

"Yeah we did what about you Aaron? It's was pretty fun im kinda tired though. Yeah me to but something tells me that im gonna be up a lot longer then I would wish to." I chuckled as I glared over at Colby and laughed.

We then finally made it up to our rooms around 12:09 Am. We all said our goodnights to eachother and went into our rooms.

I walked into the room, set my drink on the table and collapsed onto the nearest bed which was the one Colby was gonna be sleeping on. "Phew today was a blast! Yeah it was im glad you had fun!" Colby sat down next to me.

"So what do you wanna do now? It doesn't matter to me its all up to you. Colby I'm down for almost anything." I shruged and sat up. "Well I can order us a few more cocktails and we could just hang out here, Or we could go back down town just me and you. You know Colby that sounds pretty nice actually.

Alright, so do you wanna get all dressed up now? Hell yeah lets do it!" I said with an excited tone as I got up to grab some clothes out of my bag. And Colby did the same. "Alright im gonna go get dressed first." Colby pointed to the bathroom. "Alright fine with me!"

While Colby was getting changed i pulled out a sleeveless jean jacket, a white shirt with the ace of clubs on it, and some ripped jeans.

Then Colby walks out of the bathroom with a half black half red knit jacket on that had two big cards on the back of it and a spade on the front left pocket, he had black ripped jeans on and a black and red tye-dye shirt on that said "Blow Me." On it. I start busting up laughing when I saw his shirt.

"Colby where did you get that!" He looks down at his shirt. "Oh the shirt i bought it today when we were walking downtown." He starts laughing. "It suits you." I laughed as I walked into the bathroom to go get changed.
After a few minutes I walked out of the bathroom and looked over at Colby.

"Ready to go? Yep im ready."
After going down the elevators and walking across a few streets we make it down town. "Wow you were right Colby this place does look beautiful at night. I know right I always loved Vegas ever since I was a kid, just this place brings me out of my shell and makes me feel like I can be myself. I understand why I mean no one really judges you here.
Yeah you're right about that Sam.

Colbys pov:
I look down at Sams hand and I slowly reach over a hold it. I feel Sam jump but he looks over at me and a slight smile appeared on his face. "So where do you wanna go first Sam?" He looked over to the left and I got a bit confused. "Sam?" He then drags me though these two short black stone walls that have water coming down from them.

"Wow this is cool I've never seen this before." We run our hands in the water and Sam looks over at me then splashes me with some water. Hey!" I snicker and splash him back. For about a minute we stand there laughing and splashing eachother with the water like little kids. We finished walking through which took us back out to the main walk way we weren't soaking wet so we finished walking around like it was nothing.

"You know Sam i feel like this has been the most fun I've had in a while without having to worry about things back at home. Yeah me to stuff has kinda been overwhelming and a bit stressful so im actually really glad the we came here at the time that we did.

Yeah Elton always has the perfect timing for things. Yeah that is true."
After a little while of walking we made it back to the hotel room. "Do you want me to order those cocktails? Sure why not!" Sam smiled at me then I ordered the drinks.

After about 10 minutes we got a knock on our door and Sam got up and grabbed our drinks. "Here you go Colby. Thanks Sam." I took my drink from his hand as i put the straw up to my mouth and started to drink it.

After most of our drinks were gone,
we sat on the window seat and looked out over the Las Vegas strip, Sam was huddled up in my lap, and we were both tired, tipsy, and i think...In..Love...

16784 words
And again sorry for any typos, misspelled words, and other things that I may have fucked up on. 

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