Career Day

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"Do you guys like do high speed chases and have shoot outs!!!! Like in Heat??" A kids asks as I sigh and take a sip of my coffee for this was like pulling teeth. Unfortunately, Captain Roberts had forced Mike and I to do career day at the local Jr High and it was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Lecture about our job in front of a bunch of bored 13 year olds. But there wasn't telling her no regardless of the fact that I was VERY uncomfortable around kids much less teenagers. 

Thankfully Mike was answering the majority of the questions as I look around seeing some of the girls file their nails, pass notes, and whispers and giggle. The boys definitely seem way more interested but I hated to break it to them that our job wasn't always that exciting as the movies made it out to be.

"No, nothing like, Heat. I mean we have done high speed chases but shoot outs, no. I've actually never fired my weapon."

"AHHHH man!! Then what's the point! Do you at least pick up hot chicks!" The kid jokes as his friends laugh along with him.  Mike looks over at me as he knows I'm not amused and shakes his head as their teacher soon steps in.

"Bobby that is inappropriate. These kind officers are taking time out of their day to share with you how hard their jobs are as police officers. It's not a time to joke and you should be much more respectful." She reprimands as the young boy slouches in his seat and I put my coffee cup down and clear my throat for I hated little shit heads like this.

"There are many points in being a cop, Bobby. It can be a very rewarding career without having to shoot your weapon, or pick up hot chicks,  which is really the last thing you want to do.  You really want to protect and serve to the best of your ability and sometimes you have days where you feel you make a difference and other days you go home and feel as if you didn't do anything right. The last thing we wanna do is arrest a teenager such as yourself, or take a kid away from their home if CPS calls us. Those are the hard ones, or you know there are even harder calls that will make you loose sleep. But, it can be rewarding to know that you at least made a difference in someones life or took a dangerous person off the streets." I finally answer as Mike smiles at me and I take another sip of my coffee.

"And you guys are partners? Like is it weird having a woman? Can you even fight? Aren't you worried about like breaking a nail." 

"Shut up! Girls can fight too!" A girl chimes in slapping the idiot kids arm as Mike quickly answers.

"This one here she fights better than me, and she's not afraid of anything. Especially of breaking a nail. But look, it doesn't matter about being a male or female it's about trusting in your partner. You have to trust your partner because we face alot of situations were I trust her to cover my back and visa versa. If we got into a dark alley, or a dark home and I go in first, or we split up 90 percent of my worries go out the window because I know that have a good partner. There's no time for male chauvinism or ego trips.  Zero, because when it comes down to it and if you do go down you partner might be the one to save your life."  Mike answers as my mind tries not to go back to that day. It really does and at times I still struggled with nightmares from it as the room goes silent and the young teenager seems to be speechless for once.

"Why did you become one?" I suddenly hear a small voice come from the back of the room as I see a girl with pretty curly hair looking right at me as I softly smile at her. 

"That's a good question. I honestly became a cop because my father was one.  And um, I wanted to be like him and I wanted to help people. There are many reasons to become one, and each person has their own. It's not like in his day were there were very few female officers and yes he did discourage me. But I think once he saw how much I loved my job and how devoted I was he backed off and supported me. So, it's not always the most desired career or one that a father would want for his daughter or a mother but you gotta follow your heart."

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