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"Jungkook", someone woke him up from his slumber. He had just caught a quick wink. He was dreaming of a place. It looked like paradise. He was sitting on a bench surrounded by different types of flowers. The fragrance of the flowers wafted through his senses as he inhaled them slowly. So this is what heaven feels like. He was at peace and was enjoying when someone tapped him snapping him from his sleep.

It was one of the nurses. "Hey how long was I out?"

"Ten minutes."

"Thank you. I will be right there." He barked as the nurse left him and his friend Jimin entered.

"Hey, what are you still doing here? How long are you on?" He looked at Jungkook whose eyes were droppy like a drunkard.


"23? Go home, Jungkook."

"Nah, its fine." He left the room leaving Jimin shocked. This is not the first time Jungkook has overworked himself. Its been 23 hours. Jimin watched his friend leave.

Jungkook was telling the nurses about each and every patient's diagnosis when another doctor came by. "Hey I took care of your patients while you were sleeping."

"I wasn't sleeping", Jungkook tried to argue but the snarky doctor cut him off, "You are welcome". He just walked by Jungkook without waiting for an answer. Jungkook was frankly tired but patients come first. He was in his thoughts when another nurse handed him a couple of files.

"Hi, Mrs. Kim, I am Dr. Jeon Jungkook." He spoke to a nurse to arrange for a CBC lytes and a UA.

"Is there anything I can do to keep you comfortable, Mrs. Kim?", he asked gently.

"Marry me."


"I have my own house."

"Well, how can I say no to that?", Jungkook quipped and continued, "Well, let me call my brother and arrange for a suit for the groom." He smiled warmly at the old woman as he spoke to the nurse. "Keep a close eye on my fiancée and lower her morphine drip."

He ran to the coffee machine and gulped a glass of coffee. That was his life. Coffee and patients. He never ate or slept on time. For him, patients came first. He was a workaholic and he was proud of it. He never complained. Coffee, snacks, diagnosis, surgery, his life revolved around the hospital so much that he barely got back to his apartment.

He barged in the restroom. His friend Jimin was inside complaining about his ex-boyfriend – Yoongi. A male nurse was asking, "Why are you even going on a dinner date with your ex-bf and his mother?"

"Coz she still doesn't know we have broken up and he literally begged me to save his face this one night", Jimin said boredly.

There were couple of nurses who were bickering about their love life, kids, and other problems. One said, "You are lucky Kook, you don't have to deal with this kinda crap. You are single and happy." Jungkook didn't speak anything and just nodded along.

After they all left, he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were puffy and his skin looked pale. He had barely slept in the last 24 hours. He had no life, no personal life. It was college when he had a serious relationship which didn't go well once he became a doctor. He sighed as the words of his colleagues echoed in his mind. Was he really that lucky? Hmm, no. He didn't have a love life. He had dates that didn't end up well. He didn't really have time for flings since he hates that. He is a very methodical person and hates mess and most of the people he dated are anything but hygienic.

He yearned for a family of his own. After all, most of his friends have settled down except him. His brother kept pushing him on dates which Jungkook hated but his brother would always set him up with one.

Tonight was one such date night. He washed his hands and splashed water in his face while taking a deep breath. He was lost in his own thoughts when his phone rang. It was his brother Jin.

"So, you will be there tonight?"

"Yes, hyung. I will be there tonight."

"Great, coz this guy is amazing."

"Oh, you have met him?", Jungkook asked.

"No, I haven't met him but he is friend of an old friend. I heard he is really nice."

"That's what you told me last time but he was an erotic novelist for the kids. I mean who does that?"

"Not again, kookie."

"Look, Jin hyung, I will be there tonight, its just that I am busy."

"Oh no, you don't use that word with me, young man. Hey stop that." Jin was talking to Jungkook as well as yelling at his kids who were throwing marshmallows at each other. "Don't make me come there." Jin has two kids – Lisa and Jennie (A/n: Don't kill me. ;)). Lisa was 9 and Jennie is 7. Having two kids is a handful.

"Promise me, you will be there Kookie."

"Yes, Hyung, I will be there and just so you know I am perfectly capable of meeting men on my own you know."

"I know Kook but I would like you to meet someone who is not a patient."

"Yeah, yeah. C you later."

"Be there at 7.30, okay."

"Alright hyung." Jungkook cut the call as the head of the department called him. He was a smart, wise man in his 50s who knew who sincerely cared for patients and who just wanted a big promotion. "I wanted till tomorrow but I felt I should tell you now."

"What is it Sir?"

"You are promoted as the resident doctor here."

"Oh my god, thank you so much sir. There is so much to do around here. I can't wait."

"I know son, but right now I want you to do something."


"Go home, take some rest. Fresh eyes come tomorrow."

"But sir, I have to go..."

"Go, Jungkook, you have been here 26 hours." Jungkook looked surprised. How did he know? As if reading his mind, the wise man said, "I know. Now off you go, shoo..."

Jungkook smiled as he went back to his room to change into his casual attire. As he entered the elevator, a male nurse stopped him.

"Dr. Jeon? I have a patient in the emergency? Can you take a quick look please?"

Jungkook sighed but didn't hesitate for a moment. "Yes of course." He walked with the assistant nurse towards the patient. As time ticked by, he lost track of time. He sluggily carried his body towards his car, turned the ignition and started driving when his phone rang.

"Where are you?"

"Sorry I am a little bit late but I am on my way."

"Oh that's fine, your date is late as well."

Jungkook shared with Jin the happy news that he is promoted as a resident doctor in Seoul hospital. Jin was over the moon as he screamed in happiness.

"Okay, I will be there asap." Jungkook kept the phone on the seat and looked up when he saw a truck coming towards him in full speed.


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