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"Hey, Hoseok here." the next morning, he called Ari again asking about the details of the family who gave him the apartment.

"Well, Hoseok the man said there was a tragedy in the family. I didn't press more coz I kind of got the feeling he didn't want to talk about it."

"So, what happened, did someone die?"

"Well, I don't know for sure but I sure hope so. Coz look at the house, fully furnished and in the heart of Seoul. Hobi, people would kill to have a place like this."

"Hey, that's a horrible thing to say."

"Look come on Hoseok, be realistic. This is like winning a lottery."

Hoseok hung up the phone. There was no point talking to the woman. He sighed. If she wasn't be of any help, then he would do it himself. And the first thing was to look for solution to fight the ghost.


"Hi can I help you with something?"


Hoseok entered a bookstore and was looking at the paranormal section when the owner walked near him. He was a man in his thirties. He couldn't help but ask the owner. "Sir, do you believe in this stuff?"

"Well, you don't, until you do", the owner said as if in a trance. Okay, if the ghost in his house wasn't creepy, the owner of the store creeped him out further. He started asking Hoseok questions about his interaction with ghost.

"So what kind of encounter did you have? Ectoplasm? Soniferous ether? I have a fantastic book if you want to communicate with spirits."

"No communicating with him is not a problem."

"Excellent", the owner said as he handed a bunch of books to Hoseok.

"There you go and let me know if you need anything", the man said.

"Yes, I will", Hoseok bowed as he left the store to his apartment.


Hoseok sat in his apartment. He had drawn a triangle inside a big circle as he placed candles around it. He held a candle and peeked at the book. "Spirits, awake. Spirit don't fear. Spirit appear." He looked around. He could feel the man. He could sense him.

"Come on, I know you are here. talk to me. Okay fine, I have this hot coffee mug. I will set it on your lovely table. As you can see, there is no coaster, so don't blame me...", Hoseok joked trying to provoke the spirit to come in front of him.

"Heyyy, don't you dare do that", a voice spoke jolting Hoseok from his seat as the man appeared before him. He looked at Hoseok frustrated.

"Aah, good that you are here," Hoseok spoke after calming himself.

"What do you want?"

"Have you ever thought there might be something strange happening to you?"

"Something strange is looking at me."

"Hey, I am not strange.", Hoseok countered.

"And what is this woodoo crap?", the man said angrily. He saw at the messy floor with drawings and candle lit around it.

Hoseok breathed. This is not easy. He stood up and introduced himself. "Hi, I am Jung Hoseok and you are...??"

"I am....I am Jungkook," the man said. The man peeked at the cup that had his name on it. This didn't go unnoticed by Hoseok.

"I saw it...you looked at the mug", Hoseok said.

"Excuse me, I think I know my name."

"Jungkook what? Do you have a surname?", Hoseok asked.

"Of course, its...its..", Jungkook tried to collect his surname but he couldn't remember.

"It's okay, Jungkook. Now, do you remember talking to anyone else apart from me?"

"Of, course...I...", Jungkook was rattling his brain trying to think. When was the last time, he spoke to someone else? Why couldn't he remember anything?

"Okay, and when you are not around the house, where do you go? What do you do?", Hoseok asked trying to make the man face his reality.

"Well I do a lot of things, much more than what you do," Jungkook countered.

"Yeah, don't get sarcastic with me and don't divert the topic, Kookie."

"Don't call me Kookie, no one calls me Kookie", Jungkook said frustration and confusion evident in his voice.

"Okay, okay, has anything dramatic happened to you?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know dying...maybe.."

"I am not dead, how dare you say that," Jungkook voiced.

"Look, Jungkook, calm down. I am trying to help you. You should see a bright light around you."

"What light? There is no light."

"Walk in to the light, Jungkook."

"There is no light. Stop it I am not dead. I think I would know if I am dead." Jungkook lunged to punch Hoseok. Only he couldn't. He passed through Hoseok. "Wait, why can't I hit you?" He tried to slap and punch hoseok but his hands were waving through Hoseok.

"You are dead..."

"Stop saying that, idiot", jungkook jumped again to slap hoseok again while Hoseok kept backing up from Kook edging towards the window. "Okay stop it. you are giving me a headache, just get out of my house, Jungkook."

"Nooooo..." Jungkook jumped on Hoseok again and fell through the window. Hoseok looked on as Jungkook disappeared into the night.

"Ufff...Rest in Peace", Hoseok yelled. Finally, good riddance.

He turned and saw Jungkook smirking at Hoseok. "I am not leaving."

"Stop doing that, Jungkook"

"No I won't".

Thus began Jungkook's duty to annoy Hoseok, in his work, in the shower, howling at night near Hoseok's ear when sleeping and so on.

"Alright, enough. I have tried to be nice. But I have had it." Hoseok slammed the papers down jolting his co-workers in shock. He smiled sheepishly and apologized as he dashed out of the office. This has to end.

Over the days, he visited church to call the priest. He contacted ghostbusters, paranormal experts, but none was working. Jungkook coolly whistled as he watched Hoseok pull his hair unsuccessfully trying to get him out of the apartment.

Hoseok slumped in the chair. Finally, he thought one man could help him. He went to the book store and called the man. His name - Jackson.



Just Like Heaven - A HopeKook FFWhere stories live. Discover now