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"Hobi, my water broke", Jin screamed over the phone.


"No, I mean, Sarah's water broke...we are on our way to the hospital. We will see you there." Jin cut the call without waiting for a response. He ushered Sarah to the car driving like a maniac to the hospital. He was gonna be uncle.

"Jin-hyung, slow down. The way you are driving, the baby will shoot out of my ass right now." Sarah screamed in pain and in fear.

"We gotta get you to hospital, Sarah"

"Yes hyung but in one piece. Please hyung...for god's sake drive like a normal person."

"Normal, haahh? I AM GONNA BE AN UNCLEEEEEEEEE", Jin screamed as he slammed on the throttle speeding the car with more horsepower.

"OHHH MY GOD.....JESUS...IS THAT YOU? I CAN SEE YOU...I AM COMING TO YOU...", Sarah screamed in fear but it fell on deaf ears as Jin was whooshing through the road to the hospital.


As they ushered Sarah to the labor room, the four went ahead and sat near Sarah.

"How are you holding up, Sarah?", Hoseok asked with concern.

"Oh well, you know how labor pain is....its like getting your balls ripped open just a little more intense, that's all", Sarah said irritated by the obvious question.

"How are we doing today?", the doctor walked in.

"Great", everyone chimed.

"Listen guys, I appreciate your concern but only one person is allowed to be with Sarah", the doctor added.

"I will be near her", Jin volunteered.

"No, why do you get to be here?" Kook snapped.

"Because I am a mother and I know about kids than you, you mook", Jin retorted.

"Okay guys I will give you 5 minutes to decide, I will be right back", the doctor said as he walked out of the labor room.

As the doctor left, the four started bickering about who should stay leaving the poor Sarah in her pain. The nurse was looking at Sarah. "Are you sure you wanna give your baby to these maniacs?"

Sarah took a deep breath and screamed in pain and in anger. That stopped the four from their argument.

Hoseok rushed near Sarah while the nurse went to call the doctor. "Okay Sarah, push, push, push...", Hoseok was barking in Sarah's ear. Sarah was trying to push the baby out when Jin rushed and bend near Sarah's legs.

"Oh my god....the baby is coming out. Let me see how much you have dilated", Jin screamed.

"I am so psyched", Hoseok said.

"Okay I need to ask, what's wrong with you guys", Jimin asked as he continued, "This woman is in labor pain trying to give birth and you guys are acting like psychos. And Jin, get over here from there....and how do you know it's a he? Could be a she...and I didn't even see you get this excited when you had your baby."

"That's different. This is my nephew or niece...You know, my bloodline. My kids have Joon's bloodline and genes. This is ours...the first one in the Jeon family."

"What are you talking about hyung? You believe in all of this stuff?", Hoseok asked surprised by the conventional Jin.

"No No...don't get me wrong. I love my babies but let's face it. Their surnames are Kim – the paternal surname. I want someone to carry our family name too you know – The Jeons and I am so happy for that."

Just Like Heaven - A HopeKook FFWhere stories live. Discover now