1. The Haunted Tomb

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I keep dreaming of a great flood. The tide comes in and washes away everything I've ever known. 

You don't belong. Not in here. You're not supposed to be in this room. Everyone has their place. Why are you here? Who's talking? He can hear. You're not supposed to hear. There are no walls, the walls are broken. Go away, go to your room. God? Am I dead? Not quite. Go to your room. You don't belong in here, know what I mean? Where am I? Bomb went off. You really should have learned by now. Jesus Christ, what happened? I can't move. Why can't I move? Help! Somebody help me! I can't move! You're all mine now. He can't escape. Get this tube out of my throat. Get it out! Please, someone. Bomb went off. You know what you did. He knows. He can't hide it. You can't hide from me. I see someone! Someone's here! Thank God, please help me, what's she doing? She's writing something. I can't see it. Please show me. I hate you. This is your fault. I hate you and you don't belong. I hope you die. I hope we all die. You're not supposed to be in here. This room is special. There used to be walls. It says, 'BLINK ONCE FOR YES. BLINK TWICE FOR NO. UNDERSTAND?' Blink... Yeah, I can blink. I can blink! Change machine, know what I mean? Bomb went off. Language keeps us under control. Debating traitors debasing looters, bread winners sin for dinner, fortune telling fools. Let's figure this out. Now she wrote, 'YOU WERE IN A PLANE CRASH. DO YOU REMEMBER?' No, I don't remember... It's all mixed up... The last thing I remember... Tom and Jerry, Taco Bell, washateria... I remember getting on the plane... I think I fell asleep, then... I don't know. Stormtroopers, hyenas and power rangers. Who are you? Who am I? Who the hell are you? I'm Ted. Who are you? I am an electric nightmare and you're a hungry ghost. Loudmouth, let's figure this out. Pretty things, wet dreams, sex and basketball games. I can't feel anything. I can't feel my body. Listen, there once was a caterpillar brave and strong, and nobody likes caterpillars, they're considered ugly and gross, but this caterpillar was hearty, feasting upon leaves until one day it turned into a beautiful butterfly and got pancaked by a dump truck on the highway. What's she writing now? I can't see it. 'THERE IS BLOOD INSIDE OF YOUR BRAIN. WE REMOVED PART OF YOUR SKULL. CAN YOU MOVE YOUR BODY?' No, I can't move anything. I can only move my eyes... nothing else. Time stops in between. Know what I mean? Bucking broncos and bridesmaids go buck wild for buzzwords. 'YOUR PELVIS IS BROKEN. YOUR LEGS ARE BROKEN. MOST OF YOUR SKIN IS BURNED. YOU HAVE FIVE BROKEN RIBS. YOUR SPLEEN WAS LACERATED, AND WAS REMOVED IN SURGERY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?' Yes, I understand. Get this tube out of my throat. How do I tell her to take it out? Loudmouth doesn't know what's good for him. You need the tube. He needs the tube. The last thing I remember... think, think... I remember a horrible noise, like metal ripping apart, and who was that lady sitting next to me? I guess she was just a stranger. She was screaming and holding onto me... the oxygen masks were flying around and she couldn't get her mask onto her face, and she was crying and I just watched her as everything shook and she was yelling for somebody to help her... why was she looking at me? I've never helped anybody in my life. Strange machine. You're a moron by the way. Why am I a moron? That was Lily. You know her. You took her all the way to Denver just to break her heart. You're right. It was Lily sitting next to me. Bomb went off. You never loved her but she loved you so much. She gave you her heart. Know what I mean? Doritos. Locos. Tacos. I told her... I told her the truth. After four years, I finally said something honest and now... She loved you and you don't deserve to be loved, you coward, you lying dirtbag. She caught you red handed. You didn't say anything honest; you had no choice. You didn't decide to face the music, she made you. You aren't a man for telling the truth. I hate you very much. I hated her. When she was around, I couldn't stand it. Unbelievable. I hope you die. I hope I die too. They're writing again. 'I'M DOCTOR O'CONNOR. YOUR BURNS NEED TO BE CLEANED EVERY DAY. YOU WILL NEED SURGERY TO FIX YOUR LEGS AND PELVIS. ARE YOU IN PAIN?' Blink once for drugs. You moron, you blinked a bunch of times. I was saying 'yes' over and over. You dumb idiot, that means 'no.' Look, she's smiling and satisfied. She thinks you're fine. I feel a pain like never before. You deserve it.

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