Chapter 22

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I brushed my hands off on my jeans, leaving a dirt residue as I stood up from my gardening spot. Ever since Penny crept back into my life to take me away, I had been missing my little garden back home. All the effort and time I had dedicated to it felt symbolic to the relationship I had with Penny. So much hard work with so little to hold onto.

"She's beautiful" Rebecca chimed in cutting through the quietness of the forest. A yellow butterfly flew around us, dancing in the wind as I smiled back at my garden, feeling proud.

"Yeah she is" I sighed in satisfaction as I wiped my gardening tools on my apron.

"Have you seen Penny around?" I asked nonchalantly as I gathered the rest of my supplies, preparing to head back inside. The night was inching closer and she was greeting us with sunset kisses. The sky was turning a beautiful red hue, almost as red as the cotton puffs on Penny's suit.

Rebecca placed a hand on her hip, swaying to the side as she gave me a "bitch please" look. I chuckled as I walked past her knowing exactly what she meant.

"I know I know.. hunting" I said while playfully rolling my eyes even though Rebecca couldn't see them as I walked inside the station. It felt colder than usual and I made a mental note to retrieve a sweater from one of the many bags Rebecca had brought with her. By the looks of it, she was preparing to stay with me throughout this whole ordeal. But my question was why?

Why would she put herself in dangers way for quite literally forbidden love?

I rummaged through my clothes trying to find some sweats or warm bottoms I could change into after a shower when suddenly my hand fell upon a soft item. I smiled immediately when I realized what it was, without even bringing it to my face. I grasped strongly onto the object, almost like I was afraid it would be taken from me. These days it felt like everything and anything was temporary or on the brink of being destroyed forever.

I brought the small plush toy to examen it. It had all the dirt marks from that day at the carnival 27 years ago...

I headed to the sink with the soft plush in my hands. The night was colder than usual and the previous nights had me wrapping myself in two blankets, so I was definitely freezing my ass off tonight.

I pinched my robe closer to my chest trying to get warmer as I looked under the sink cupboard for soap. My hands flailed within the old wooden space as I tried to find the familiar feeling of the bottle to no avail.

"Fucking shit luck" I murmured grumpily under my breath when my hands failed to locate the soap.

"I'd say you have good luck" Penny's voice boomed, interrupting my complaining.

My head snapped towards the bathroom door and I saw him standing, admiring my frustration. Even as a human form, he stood well over 6'7 feet, his head teasing the top of the doorway.

"I don't know about that" I chuckled lightly as I redirected my attention back to the dark cupboard. I could sense his presence standing still behind me.

"Did you need something?" I sighed playful as I turned to face him once again.

"It's been cold" he responded. I stayed silent waiting for him to finish his point. When a few seconds passed with no further explanation, I spoke up again.

"Anddd?" I questioned, trying to get him to tell me what he wanted.

"I'm staying upstairs with you tonight" he said. His voice sounded stern, like a disciplinary figure.

I felt my breath get caught in my throat at his demand. It had been a while since Penny and I were affectionate, our minds were constantly on high alert, trying to be ready for anything or anyone.

"S—sure" I responded trying to not let my face turn into a tomato. I almost yelled in excitement & relief when I felt the familiar bottle in my hands, saving me from my own awkwardness. I stood up, dusting the bottle in the process.

Penny smiled at me before speaking up once again.

"Is it okay in this form?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, teasing me.

"It's the most natural" I lied. In reality, I was already used to Penny's other form. The feeling of the silk suit playing with the goosebumps that raised on my skin whenever his hands made contact with my small frame, in comparison to his anyways. It would definitely be a unique experience to feel a human body caress mine, and I wouldn't carry the guilt that it wasn't Penny, because it was.

He looked at me with his blue eyes, and although they weren't as bright as in his first form, they still caused electricity to shoot throughout my body. Even with a physical appearance change, that I'm not complaining about, I could still feel Penny's energy, heavy & dominant.

I began to wash the plush toy in the sink, thinking about the night he took me to that carnival, 27 years ago. And all those nights my nails made love marks on his back. This whole situation had our nerves in a twist, not allowing us to relax and spend those nights again.

The softness of the soap lather and plush toy caressed my fingers as I smiled down at it. I would be saving it for the little one on the way. I didn't know what to expect, but somehow I didn't feel afraid. I felt sort of ready.

I strained the plush and laid it outside to dry. I decided to take an opportunity to go back upstairs and change the bed sheets to fresh ones. I placed them in the dirty laundry bin, planning to wash them tomorrow. We had been washing everything by hand these past weeks.

I heard heavy footsteps making their way up to my room and I felt my heart beat faster and faster with every step that inched closer to the wooden door. The creak of the door interrupted the silence in the room as I placed the last pillow in its spot. I turned to face the doorway, feeling my messy bun become even more undone with the swift movement.

"Hey" I said, my voice sounding out of breath. Penny shot me a warm & flirty smile, causing butterflies to fly in a flurry in my stomach.

"Hey you" he responded softly as he began to make his way to me, closing the door with his foot behind him. Once in front of me, he sat on the edge of the bed, pulling me with him. He held my waist as I stood in front of him, feeling the warmth radiating off of him.

"Any updates?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"We're fine" he said, trying to calm my nerves, but I could tell we were anything but. I faked a small smile, not wanting to push the conversation and ruin the nice moment we were sharing. These little pockets of peace were rare now. They felt like a luxury we could not afford at the moment.

I began to yawn, feeling the weight of the day on my shoulders. The cracking of the fire I had set earlier was teasing the silence that had engulfed the room for a few seconds. He could sense I was ready to call it a night, as he grabbed onto the knot that tied my robe together.

"You know" he said looking down at my robe. Without seeing his face, I could still see the devious look he was making.

"It's been a while" he added as he looked up at me with ocean eyes. I felt my blood pumping faster as we kept eye contact. After a few seconds of silence, I felt his slim fingers playing with the knot, trying to get it undone.

"Let me help you with that" I said as I untied my robe and felt it hit the wooden floor with a soft thud, leaving me exposed to what looked like a stranger but felt so familiar. My body was completely decorated with goosebumps but I wasn't sure if it was from the cold weather anymore.

"You always know exactly what I want doll" he purred as the night enveloped us.


Hey there! I'll be trying to post at least one chapter weekly so keep an eye out for updates throughout the week! Also I'm not sure about smut details anymore:/ It was a big challenge for me in the first book but my readers happiness is my priority!
So we shall see...

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