Chapter 21

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I watched as the the bubbles disappeared one by one in my coffee mug. The sound of the rain outside was the only thing cutting into the thick silence that enveloped this stranger and I. We sat across from each other at the kitchen table, my eyes looking at everything but meeting his. Although they were familiar, they didn't feel so.

"You said your name is Bob Gray?" I asked, almost trying not to laugh at how cliche the name was.

"This form yes..." he responded. I felt my hands tighten around the mug as his answer reached the air.

"Form?" I asked trying to keep my composure. It had been over an hour that my path had crossed with apparently, one of Penny's forms...
I had sneaked him in, in order to not wake Rebeca, he quietly showered and changed into some old shorts and t shirt that Rebeca had brought with her. I assumed it was her late husbands clothing, making me feel a bit sad.

"I've already explained" he huffed into the thick awkward air.

Yes yes I know you did. But it still doesn't make any sense! You have a human like persona you casually shift into when needed be. My question is...

"Why didn't you shift this whole time if you knew you could?" I blurted out. I was trying not to let the question itself anger me. But how could I not be? We could've lived a semi normal life. For the most part...

"And is this persona someone you killed and took  over their identity ? Like a weird jeepers creepers?" I asked immediately after.

Penny or Bob?, I don't even know what to refer to him as anymore, looked at me with a puzzled expression. I hate to admit that it didn't hurt to look at this strangers face. His cold gaze had depth that I wanted to explore. He was in his mid to late 20's which helped my 'never going to age' thing going on, plus he had the facial structure of a God. It was almost too perfect.

I diverted my gaze towards the window that sat behind him. I didn't want to admit defeat. Honestly this version of him was convenient.

"It's a very very long story" he said shifting in his seat, trying to get my eyes back on him.

"Of course it is" I sighed as I realized he wouldn't budge anytime soon in telling me who is and why he is this person. The information would surely come the more we warmed up to the idea of him potentially staying this way. Which I hoped would be the case for the meantime. The baby deserved some sort of normal human father figure.

"I never formed this way before... I- I didn't want you to feel like we could lead a normal life" he said breaking the silence.

"We never could" he added, making my chest tighten at this response. I was trying not to burst into a flame of anger. But deep down I felt sorry for him. I don't think he expected to come back after 27 years to this.

"What was that thing?" I asked abruptly, trying to avoid the conversation we were doomed to eventually have.

"We don't really have a name for them in human language"

"But we used them to hunt beings from other worlds.. and it means they're getting closer" he responded.

I instinctively held onto my stomach as his words pierced the room.

"We're okay" he said as he reached out and cupped my face into his large hands. They were warm and felt human. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. I felt his lips press against mine and the familiarity of a normal human kiss. My hands instinctively reached for his hair as he pulled me onto his lap. As I felt my robe begin to be slipped off by his slim and long fingers, we heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"What the hell is going on?" Rebeca asked as she looked at us wide eyed and concerned.

"Oh God" I said as I stood up, readjusting my robe.

"Rebeca this literally isn't what it looks like" I said trying to hold back a small laugh. I turned to look at Penny as his amused face examined the situation.

"This is Bob, aka Penny in a...human form" I said trying not to think about the fact that saying it out loud sounded even more insane. I flashed her a smile, hoping that would dilute the gravity of the situation.

"Uh huh" Rebeca hesitantly responded. It was obvious she didn't believe me.

"Okay so shift back into your y'know... clown form" she suggested suspiciously at him.

"He can't" I cut in.

"He has to be back at his 'energy force' thing in the tunnels and unless you want to make a treacherous journey back at this hour of the night, be my guest" I said in a more snappy tone. The exhaustion from the night was getting to me and this pregnant and fresh wound made it all the worse.

"I believe you" she said, her face shifting from questioning to concerned as she looked down at my belly. It wasn't very big, but I was feeling this pregnancy nonetheless.

"I'll ask what I need to ask tomorrow okay?" She said in her usual sweet tone but I could see confusion and concern in her dark & tired eyes.

"Get some rest, both of you" she said as she kissed my cheek to say goodnight. She eyed both of us, sighing quickly as to keep her composure and began to make her way down the hall into her room.

"This place has been fixed up" Penny broke the silence. I turned to look at him with a satisfied grin.

"Rebeca was so bored she needed something to focus her time & energy on, and it doesn't hurt that her late husband and her built nice houses for a living" I responded to him as I made my way to sit on his lap.

"You need to sleep" he said quickly lifting me up and making his way towards the stairs. I thought about arguing against this action, but truth be told I was exhausted, because by the time I heard us enter the bedroom, I was halfway asleep.

I felt the familiar thick fleece feeling of my blanket as he placed me on the bed. My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the lighting of the room as I looked around for Penny. He stood at the foot of my bed, and I began reminiscing on old nights when we lived in Derry... 28 years ago.

"Things are going to change aren't they?" I murmured as my eyelids began to feel droopy. Penny sighed as he laid his hands flat on the edge of the bed, stretching his body towards me.

"Aren't they always? And yet you're stubbornness is still consistent" he joked. I couldn't see him but I know that joke came with a sharp grin on a chiseled face. I slightly opened my eyes, trying to see if I could capture the moment.

"Let's go to bed" I somewhat pleaded as I felt my body begin to give into sleep. I felt the other side of the bed dip as I assume he made his way onto it. It didn't take long to feel long arms wrap around me.

For a moment in time, everything felt normal. It felt as if I was in my normal bed. With a normal husband who had to go to work early the next day. I'm tired from a day of cooking his favorite meals and decorating the baby's bedroom. Just for a moment I could imagine a beautiful blue home with a white picket fence. Children who get dropped off by the school bus and tell you about their fun day. The smell of PB&J sandwiches in the morning as I pack school lunches with love, as my husband heads out to work.

I smiled to myself, enjoying this small minuscule moment of normality that I would seldom experience. Because even if it wasn't the reality I was living, and my life was anything but normal, feeling the warmth of Penny's large body behind me felt the most normal to me in weeks.

My smile quickly faded when I felt the bed suddenly shift and the cool air of the night touch my back. It didn't take long for me to realize Penny was making his way out of the bedroom, assuming I was fast asleep. My heart sank as I realized that nothing in my life from now on would be normal and it hadn't been for decades.

And just like the door Penny closed behind him when he left the room, the door to a normal life was closed for us as well...

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