Chapter 9

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And I have a feeling you'll like this game

I took a few steps back, scared. I knew what his intentions were but I didn't know far he would actually go this time. I felt my back slam lightly against the door, and I knew I wouldn't be able to run.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk Lolita" he said.

"Tienes miedo" he said with a wide smile, it was almost sinister. My eyes widened at his words. He was teasing me with my own language.

"I'm anxious, not afraid" I lied as he inched himself closer. I stood my ground, telling myself that running would only make it worst. He looked down at me and I felt intimidated at the huge height difference. With one swift movement, he pulled at my arm, causing me to fall onto my knees. I looked up at him, distraught.

"Who do you belong to?" He asked. I could hear deep growls rumbling throughout his chest. He was in predatory mode.

After not finding the right words to say fast enough, he grabbed my chin harshly, forcing me to look at him. I could feel my face ache at his grip.

"I said" he whispered harshly

"Who do you belong to?" He said tightening his squeeze on my chin.

"You" I said forcing myself not to look away. A look of proudness washed over his face. He let go of my face and I instantly looked down. He picked me up by my jacket, and I felt him walk me to my bedroom.

"You look tired" he said with a sarcastic tone.

"Let me put you to bed" he said as we walked into the room. It didn't take long for him to slam me onto my mattress. He crawled over me and I could feel his warmth on my skin. I felt him grab at my wrists, and then tying them onto the headboard of my bed. I  instinctively tried to tug away from the rope and he took quick notice of that.

"Stay still" he snapped, his eyes transitioning into that hungry orange hue. I whimpered at the sound of his voice. I felt him slide down, his hand tracing my exposed skin where my dress had lifted. I mentally cursed at myself for wearing a dress, it had been raining so I don't know why I had gotten that idiotic idea.

I felt the material of his glove tickle the skin on my thighs. I squirmed slightly under him, not wanting my body to cave into his touch. I told myself to be strong, to fight against the temptation.

"You like this" he said as his eyes shot up to look at me. I felt my face go red at his words. He then began tracing the lace on my underwear and I could feel myself struggling for air. I didn't want to fall into the pleasure, it would make me seem weak.

I felt him pull the cloth aside and slip a finger in. I gasped at the sudden sensation and I could feel my body begin to tremble.

"I know you're in pleasure" he said moving at a slow pace.

"So scream like you are" he said continuing to play with me. I shut my eyes tightly, biting my lip hard in order to prevent myself from moaning. When he didn't get the reaction he wanted, he added another digit and I could feel myself at the edge of a breakdown.

"Oh?" He said giving me innocent eyes when I remained silent.

"I guess you want something more.." he said

"Filling" he trailed off. My eyes shot open at his words and I knew exactly what he meant. I could hear the familiar sound of his satin suit unzipping. I tilted my head back, not wanting to look at the one thing that would make me surrender.

I gasped when I felt the familiar sensation and it didn't take long for him to get a rhythm. I felt myself tug at the rope, trying to touch him but was restrained. I could taste blood on my lips from biting so hard. He grabbed my chin roughly, and I forced my eyes open.

"Scream for me, doll" he said through grunts. I could see him losing himself slowly with every movement he made. His grip on my face loosened and his eyes shut tightly. I felt like I was gaining power over him but the trembling of my legs told me otherwise. My mind was a whirl of emotions and I felt myself on the verge of crying from the ecstasy. My body felt weak under his and at this moment he could ask me to kill someone and I probably would have.

I continued to fight against the whimpers that wanted to escape my throat as he continued to have his way with me. After a while, I felt myself reaching closer and closer to my climax. I was sure he had felt it too. I felt a small moan escape my lips and he abruptly stopped. My eyes snapped open in anger and confusion as he looked back at me.

"What did you think was your punishment?" He said getting off of me. I groaned at the loss of contact as he stood up, fixing his suit. I pulled at the rope trying to escape the hold.

"Ah Ah Ah" He said waving a gloved finger in the air.

"You won't be getting out so easy" he said walking towards the bedroom door. He looked back at me before speaking up.

"When you're ready to surrender your body to me" he whispered

"Then we can talk babydoll" he said before disappearing into the hallway, leaving me alone and tied up in my bedroom.

Storm Drains (Book II) Pennywise love Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now