Chapter 2

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I slowly backed against my headboard when I didn't get a response. Something felt really off and the lights burned more than usual.

Penny just stood there, completely lost in a trance as his eyes examined the lights within me. The room felt dense like a tropical rainstorm. I fell silent for a couple minutes, just watching Penny stand there like a brainless corpse.

"Wh-" I began to say before he cut me off. I almost cried of relief when I heard his familiar voice. It was playful yet serious in tone.

"This" he said as he began to crawl on top of my bed and towards me. His eyes stayed fixated onto my chest as he inched closer. I could see drool forming on the sides of his mouth as his eyes began to part in different ways.

"Penny" I said almost out of breath at the sudden interaction. He completely ignored and instead took it upon himself to slam me against the headboard rather harshly. I held my breath to stop from crying out because I didn't want to cave in to my fear. Not anymore.

His hand laid over my chest, feeling the vibrations of the lights as his eyes finally looked up at mine. They were the same eyes I had fallen in love with yet they shared a hollowness within them that I hadn't seen in Penny for a long time.

"This cannot be" he said as his head quickly shifted the other way, almost like he was waiting to hear something. With no warning, I could feel his claws emerge from his soft white gloves, scratching my chest slightly. I was hit was a rush of pain when he began to dig into my chest, like he was retrieving something he had planted. The lights.

I screamed out in pain and that made him abruptly stop dead in his tracks. He looked at me with questionable eyes and he immediately removed his hand from my chest.

He stood up right after and I saw him slowly begin to walk backwards, his eyes not leaving me. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying but my chin was trembling and I knew it was obvious by then.

And just like that, he disappeared into the darkness leaving me alone and confused. I pulled my covers tightly against me, afraid of any sound in the night. Now I knew something wasn't right.

I held back tears as I shut my eyes, trying to force myself to sleep. My mind went over 100,000 scenarios trying to justify what Penny had done but nothing made sense anymore.

It was safe to say I didn't sleep that night and when sunrise came it was to no surprise. I laid in bed until I could hear people's car rushing by, running their daily errands. I told myself I should get up and continue on with the day like last night hadn't happened but I felt myself unable to physically move.

It was probably around 11am in the morning when I was finally able to get up. I lounged around my apartment, trying not to give into going to the tunnels. Something felt really off.

I was seated at my dining room table scrolling through my social media apps when I heard the familiar sound of bells. My eyes froze onto the bright screen of my phone, not wanting to look up.

After a couple seconds, my eyes gave up and I felt my gaze scan the room for Penny. When I didn't see anything, I sighed in frustration. I must have imagined the sounds. It might be because of desperate measures. I didn't want to go looking for him, I already had and he didn't seem ready to reunite. Maybe he just needed some time? Maybe he had do some things before getting back to his old self?

Suddenly, my phone began flashing Rebeca's name across the screen. I picked up the call without hesitation. I placed the phone next to my ear, preparing to hear her voice.

Storm Drains (Book II) Pennywise love Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now