Chapter 20

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They say the jungle comes to life at night, but so do the woods. The night echoed behind me as I made my way into thick bushes and unfriendly branches that left white marks on my already dry skin.

"I really miss lotion," I thought to myself as I realized how long it had been since I had a normal human routine. I loved Penny, but it was no secret that being with him caused me to choose between a regular lifestyle and, well, this.

Sometimes I even wondered if doing all this was worth it... now that I was carrying the life we had created.

Would I always have to be hiding, running, and fighting from someone or something?

The silk sheet I had wrapped myself in was no longer enough to keep me warm, and as stubborn as I was, I knew I had another little soul to care for, and these dark woods didn't feel like the right place for a young pregnant woman to be in. I stopped in my tracks, letting the cool breeze dance around me for a split second before it disappeared into the night. I sighed heavily in defeat as I turned around, heading back down the awkward and un-walkable path I had just come from. The small bugs that made up the forest created an orchestra of sound, almost mockingly, as I tried tracking my previous path back to where I last saw Penny.


I felt my hands grasp at branches and trunks that I tried convincing myself felt familiar, but I knew deep down I was lost and would have to call out for Penny eventually. I hated the idea of admitting defeat for the night and crawling back into his arms for help, but our child couldn't be lost with me in these circumstances.

"PENNY!!" I yelled out into the night as birds flew from branches and trees that were not even visible to my naked eye. If I knew Penny as well as I thought I did, I know he wouldn't be too far from where I was.

"PE-" I was suddenly cut off from my second cry for help by a large sound coming from the North of me. I gasped and took a step back, startled at the sudden commotion. My arms instinctively cradled my belly as I looked around, waiting, hoping that it was Penny. I knew he would come quickly but not this quick. Plus, something in the air felt thick with suspense and it felt dangerous. Maternal instincts are never wrong, right?

My mouth felt too dry for me to call out for another cry for help, and I was afraid that whatever made that noise wasn't Penny. Before I knew it, I was running into the complete and still darkness of the night in the opposite direction of the sound. Whether it was Penny or a falling branch, I couldn't wait around in the dark like easy prey for whatever it was that was stalking me in the bushes. My heart beats slammed against my ribcage as I ran for what felt like my life and the life of my unborn child. As my feet slammed against the ground, propelling me forward, I could imagine the slick fur and hungry mouth of whatever wild animal chased behind me. I followed where the Moon dimly lit in order to avoid a devastating fall that would certainly lead to my death. For a split second, it even felt as if I felt the hot breath on my back of whatever was hunting me down, but I continued forward, hoping I would see fiery red hair any second.

The numbing sensation in my legs from running so fast suddenly felt even number, almost as if it had completely disappeared. In my confusion, I looked down at my feet only to see the floor a few inches lower than when usual.

Why the fuck am I floating?

I reached out frantically, trying to grab onto any branch in the dark. Anything that could stop me from reaching a deadly height. I felt panic begin to set into my system as all I was able to grasp in my hands was air. I suddenly felt the familiar burning feeling in my chest as yellow light began to pour out into the darkness. I could see the path that lay in front of me, but what stood right in the middle of it was terrifying. A lanky grayish purple creature with eyes so black they looked like bottomless pits stood still, just staring at me. Its rubbery chest heaved up and down as it took deep breaths. I felt my skin turn itself inside out as its long fingers reached out to grasp me. Everything about it screamed danger. The abnormal clicking sound that came from its slivered mouth felt like an alarm, warning me of the danger that was to come. I squirmed in the air to be set free, but at the height I was, it was a death trap.

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