Chapter 18

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I laid in bed for what felt like hours while Penny continued to stand on lookout. I don't know exactly what he was on lookout for and he refused to tell me and much less come back inside.

Ever since he told me about his fear on losing me, I yearned for his touch and comfort. Maybe it was a part of me, deep down, that knew maybe it would be one of the last times I would experience that. The thought alone made my heart sink and as much as I wanted to push the thought away, it was persistent.

"Penny" I called out hoping he could hear me. It didn't take long for the door of the office to open, red fire hair popping in, bringing me back to earth. It's funny isn't it? How something or someone who isn't from this earth, makes me feel the most grounded. The fact that they can kill me and end my life in a snap of their fingers without hesitation, and yet made me feel the most alive never fully wrapped around my brain. But in these moments, knowing something was bound to happen, something that could tear penny and I apart, it made me feel like I fully understood now.

I understood everything

And yet here I was, understanding how I fully felt about him when I couldn't understand what was to come.

"I have to stay on lookout" he said, compassion in his voice. He knew I was feeling uneasy and there was nothing he could do but try his best to protect what we had built. I wanted to agree and understand but I really wanted him here with me. He didn't give me a chance to respond, and with a quick look of pity he closed the door behind him, leaving me to my own thoughts.

I wanted to throw a fit, like old lola would've done but I know I grew from that and it would just be another unnecessary stress. I contemplated heading to him but I knew he would just tell me to go back inside and knowing his temper, it would lead to a fight. I slid under the covers and tried to fall asleep and with so many thoughts rushing through my head, it took a while but eventually I was able to feel myself drifting off.

A sudden loud sound startled me out of my sleep. It was dark out now and I squinted through the darkness trying to locate the sound. My heart sank when I saw a dark figure standing by the door, it wasn't tall enough to be penny and I could feel myself beginning to panic.

"Penny?" I croaked out trying not to let fear in my voice. When I didn't get a response quick enough, my fight or flight instinct began to kick in. I sat up immediately, feeling around in the darkness for anything I could use as a weapon.

Suddenly the lights flickered on and my eyes grew wide at the sight.

"Rebeca" I said almost out of breath

"Lola" she said. She looked behind her before looking back at me.

"I came as fast as I could" she continued. My heart began to sink. What was going on that Rebeca needed to be here?

"What's going on?" I asked shakily as I got out of bed. She made her way to me and embraced me into a huge hug. I wanted to break down then and there from all the stress and anxiety this situation was putting me through but I held it in. I needed to be strong because fear had gotten me nowhere last time.

Rebeca pulled away after a minute or two before looking at me with her tired eyes. She had aged beautifully but I could still see loneliness and sadness in her eyes. I know she missed her husband and seeing her hurt, made me hurt.

"Pennywise came to me a few weeks back and I prepared for this since then" she said now looking at the floor.

"You have to stay strong" she said as she looked at me once again.

"Why? What do you mean?" I asked hurriedly wanting the answers to every question that popped in my head.

She avoided my questions as she spoke up again.

"You need to be strong for you and her" she said as her eyes fell onto my stomach. I felt myself go numb in confusion and shock.

"And her?"

Storm Drains (Book II) Pennywise love Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now