Chapter 19

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Announcement at the end of this chapter!:)


Rebeca and I had been laying in bed for what felt like hours. We hugged each other in complete silence listening to the noises of the night. Periodically we'd hear Penny shuffling around outside and for a split second I'd feel as if whatever was going to happen, was happening.

"It's okay" Rebeca murmured exhausted as she sat up on the bed in complete darkness. The moonlight that crept in between the old curtains complimented her silhouette and in any other case, Id even tell Rebecca how great she looked and what amazing pictures this setting would provide. But today was different, today felt as if my world as I knew it would come to an end.  

"Is it really?" I responded back, coming out as more of a rhetorical question. I slipped the thin silk sheet that decorated our bodies to the side as my feet searched for the cold and solid ground. Once my feet felt the familiar coldness, I ventured to the other side of the room, hugging the thin silk sheet tightly around my body as I did so. 

"why won't you tell me?" I asked out into the coldness of the night. I could see Rebecca physically sigh in my peripheral vision the moment my question reached her ears. For a minute the sound of the thick forest saved the awkwardness only to let it fall onto us heavily once again when Rebecca finally answered my question. 

Rebecca made her way to my side of the room as I looked in between the cracks of the boarded up window. Penny had placed them here for protection, but the way he looked at me when I asked him what we needed such protection from gave me the hint that whatever it was, a piece of thick wood would not be stopping them any time in their tracks.  "Lola we've been through this" she said as she placed an encouraging hand on my shoulder blade. 

"you're actually making me even more nervous with that response" I said as I let her hand fall limp to her side as I moved to the other side of the room. My hands searched in the dark as I looked for the light switch. I almost yelped in excitement when I felt the plastic switch under my fingertips. It had been the most productive thing I had been able to do all day. Before I could even process the now lit room that was dimly lit by an old swinging bulb, Rebeca rushed to the light switch and turned it off. 

"lola theyll be able to track us easier" she said in a hush whisper as she guided me back to the bed. I quickly turned to face her in the dark and even though I could not see her, I knew she was right in front of me due to the soft warm breath that fanned the top of my head. Rebecca had always been taller, id have to slightly look up at her when holding a conversation and in this scenario, it was doing me no favors.

"what do you mean us?" I said a little more aggressively than I intended. Rebecca grew silent,  letting her breath do all the talking. I grew more frustrated with every second that passed by and before I knew it, I was storming out of the room heading directly for penny. 

"nobody has answers, my baby and I are in danger by something or someone I don't know and everyone is refusing to give me answers!" I yelled as I made my way to the front of the building. Rebeca was right behind me, hot in pursuit. 

"Lola please! keep it down! Come back inside now!" she began to preach as she reached for my arm. I quickly squirmed out of her grip and headed for the front door. A rush of cold autumn air greeted us as I took a step outwards. 

"lola come back ins-" Rebecca began to say before Pennys lanky figure towered over us. I could see Rebecca become instantly uncomfortable as Pennys presence became known. We stared up at him in silence, like a majestic creature we had stumbled upon in the middle of the woods. 

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