chapter thirty seven:

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amber was gradually brought awake by the sound of birds chirping outside her window and distant music playing from presumably her kitchen — something in which gave her a nostalgic feeling from her childhood.

she was currently laying on her side with jake's arm resting over her waist, his soft breaths acting like music in her ear eventually changing as he began to wake up minutes later.

she smiled as she heard him yawn softly.

"good morning." amber said softly.
"good morning," he mumbled, squeezing her that little bit tighter as he stretched, eventually nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, making her bite her lip.

amber then heard her bedroom door creak open, and the sound of a rattling collar, seconds later being surprised with her dog jumping on the two of them.

"fraser!" she cheered happily, patting and scratching him as he frantically jumped around the bed.

amber failed to see fraser yesterday as he was getting bathed by the young children down the street who had offered for some pocket money, and by the time she had came back home with jake, he was locked in the back yard.

it filled her with happiness to be with her childhood pet again, a best friend she has shared many moments with.

"this must be fraser." jake said, letting the dog sniff his hand.

amber smiled softly, he remembered.

"it is, my beloved boy, aren't you?" amber began speaking to her dog in a high pitch voice, only making him wag his tail wag more.

fraser then turned to jake, continuing to sniff him and eventually beg for pats, which jake open-heartedly gave.

"seems like he likes you," amber began, "he usually is really protective of me around strangers."

amber found herself looking down to jake's exposed bare chest, but before she let her thoughts run wild, her bedroom door burst open.

"amberlynnnnn!" her sister sung out, "dad's making-"

she quickly stopped talking when she saw who was in the bed beside amber, half naked.

amber's face flushed up instantly, and she didn't know what type of excuse she could come up for this.

"have you heard of knocking, grace?" amber said sternly.
her sister continued to look at their guest with her mouth wide open, "sorry..."

amber chuckled softly to herself. this is not how she imagined her sister and him meeting for the first time.

"grace this is jake, jake this is my little sister, gracelynn." amber spoke.
"nice to meet you, gracelynn." jake spoke sweetly, continuing to pat fraser as he looked up to her sister, "sorry this isn't the most ideal way to introduce myself."

amber giggled and jake looked over to her, finding himself smiling.

"you can call me grace," she said, "and it's nice to meet you too, i'm a... i'm a really big fan."
"so i've heard." jake said, looking to her with a soft smile on his face, "me and the rest of the guys were talking about how exciting it is to meet such a big fan who happens to be amber's younger sister."

amber watched as her sister's face turned a bright red, but a bright smile swallowing her nervousness nonetheless.

"what did you want?" amber asked, eagerly wanting her sister to leave to give her and jake more time together, and so it doesn't become more awkward.
"i was just gonna say dad is making pancakes for breakfast..." she said.
"okay, well we'll be out soon." amber replied, and as her sister continued to stand there, amber shot her a look that maybe her snap out of her daydreams and leave the room, laughing lightly to ease the tension.

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