Chapter 1 - A Mother in Need

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Tom Riddle grew up as a poor boy with a strong mind and body.

By the time he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he knew what he wanted and what he would do to obtain it.

He wanted everything and for it, he would do anything.

Money, power, fame, Tom felt that he had set his sights on what was most important in the world, at least, until he met Harriet Potter.

He wrote a letter to his mother during his first night at the castle and mentioned Harriet through poetic lines of enamored sentiment.

Merope Gaunt had laughed with joy when she received her son's letter the next morning while she readied for work in the small apartment where Tom had been raised.

Although her dreams of finding love had been destroyed, it gave her hope to think that perhaps the possibility of knowing such bliss existed for her little boy.

Merope wanted that for Tom more than anything else, to love and be loved in return.


As the years went by, Merope began to wonder if her lineage had been cursed to dwell in solitude and despair.

Tom and Harriet seemed to miss each other at every turn.

Tom had been sorted into Slytherin.

Harriet had been sorted into Gryffindor.

He made frequent attempts to speak with her, sit with her, and study with her, but his efforts were hampered as their different friend groups pulled them apart.

Tom's job at Hogsmeade's apothecary, which he held to help support himself and his mother, reduced the available time he had to spend with Harriet.

Harriet's Quidditch practices often took precedence.

Tom presented as an alpha during their fourth year at Hogwarts.

Harriet seemed to drag behind him in terms of physical maturity.

Regardless, he kept his eyes open and watched for signs of her advancement.

He had fallen so hopelessly in love with her that his emotions generated a dangerous arrogance.

Tom thought he knew everything about Harriet Potter and he prided himself on that.

If he wasn't studying or working, he was dreaming of her, thinking of her, and yearning for her.

He was certain that she felt the same way about him as well.

They kissed once during fifth year.

It had been a sweet and innocent gesture, but it had also been the first time Tom Riddle had really felt alive.

Harriet had never known a feeling as lovely or as pure.

Fifth year passed.

Sixth year passed.

Seventh year arrived.

Tom and Harriet remained good friends, but little more.

Harriet would eventually become an omega, Tom could feel it in the marrow of his bones.

He longed for the anticipated event of her presentation to occur so that he could confess his feelings for Harriet and claim her as his mate.

That dreadful day finally came in October.

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