Chapter 15 - True Love at Last

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

"When can we go see Mummy, Grandmother?" Isabelle asked as she watched Molly Weasley wave her wand around.

Mrs. Weasley gladly used magic for assistance with the preparation of the morning's meal.

"As soon as we hear that she's ready for us to come to the hospital, sweetheart." Molly smiled at her grandchildren.

Isabelle pouted while her little brother James blinked from his high chair.

"Do you think Mummy will be ready soon, Grandmother?" Isabelle frowned.

"Well, my darling, I'm not sure." Molly smiled as she looked over once the pancake batter began to sizzle in the pan, "Sometimes it takes a long time to have babies.....I should know, I had seven of my own!"

"Do you think I'll have seven babies one day, Grandmother?" Isabelle frowned.

"Hopefully if you do, love, it won't be all at once!" Molly laughed.

When the sound of cooking batter became ominously loud, she glanced over at the stove and exclaimed, "Oh!"

Isabelle and James watched Molly wave her wand to quickly flip the pancakes before they burned as James put a fist to his mouth and began to gnaw on his chubby, little hand.

"I hope Mummy can see us today." Isabelle frowned. She glanced over at James with a pout as she asked,  "Don't you, brother?"

James blinked his large eyes at his sister while Molly called over, "He's still a bit young to answer, my darling! Don't fret, don't fret! I'm certain we'll be down to the hospital to visit your Mummy soon....and just think!.....Whenever we do go, you two will have a brand new sibling to meet!"

Molly quickly quieted her granddaughter's questions as she served breakfast a few minutes later, but Isabelle ate her pancakes with a distrustful frown.

Tom had brought her and James to the Burrow yesterday morning.

Isabelle remembered from James's birth how quickly her mother had gone from having a tummy ache to holding her baby brother.

In her innocent, naive mind, she couldn't help but wonder........what was taking so long?


The maternity ward at St. Mungo's filled with anxious tension as hour after hour passed, but still, the head healer's firstborn failed to arrive.

Harriet had taken her mate's advice and left her comfortable home and cozy nest to seek the safe confines of the hospital after her labour had stalled.

As she lay back against the pillows at the end of another tortuous contraction, she panted for breath.

"You should try to stand, my love." Tom frowned as he crouched in front of her on the bed with his fingers splayed across her belly, "Standing may help hasten the birth."

"I don't want to stand, I don't want to lay, I don't want to do anything but die!" Harriet huffed miserably as she clamped a hand over Tom's.

He frowned as he watched her close her eyes while she fought against the urge to break down in anguished tears as the echo of another contraction began to creep up her spine.

Harriet no longer had the strength to call out in agony.

Instead, she gnashed her teeth and let her head jerk back as an irritated growl left her throat in response to the onslaught of pain.

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