Chapter 3 - Comfort

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Harriet had anticipated it to be difficult getting comfortable in her new surroundings, but the unexpected feeling of liberation surprised her.

She felt secure in the knowledge that a very powerful alpha was conveniently nearby.

After she arranged the pillows and blankets on the plush bed into a comfortable nest, she lay down, and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Harriet forced herself to rise before her daughter called for her.

She sat up with a sigh and gently rubbed her belly as a hint of movement came from within her womb.

She had faced challenges and difficulties before, single parenthood would just be another, that was all.

Harriet marveled at how lovely it seemed to be able to wake, dress, and ready for her day without any arguments or shouting.

She had very few maternity clothes, but from her trunk, she pulled out one of her best sets of robes to wear in front of Tom.

The long- sleeved robes had been made from a soft, green velvet with a scooped neckline and empire waist.

Those robes were one of the few items Harriet had bought herself during the last five years.

Although Ron had expressed his disapproval about her senseless purchase, as Harriet stood and gazed at her reflection in the mirror that morning while she brushed her hair, she felt her robes had been a worthwhile investment.

Harriet laid her hairbrush down and took a deep breath.

She felt confident.

She felt strong.

She felt good, besides being a bit tired.

After she left her room, she checked in on Isabelle by cracking the door to peer inside her daughter's magical bedroom for a quick second.

Once she saw that her little girl peacefully continued to sleep, Harriet quietly closed her bedroom door, went to the kitchen, and placed an enchanted kettle full of water onto the stove.

She had barely turned the burner on when a soft knock came at the door.

Harriet's heart leapt in her chest as she hurried over and opened it.

"Tom!" She greeted her guest as a fond grin spread over her fair face, "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Harriet." Tom replied with a charming smile, dressed in one of his more casual, dark suits, "I hope I'm not too early."

He declined to tell his darling that he had woken two hours earlier and had watched her windows until he had detected motion behind their curtains, which had alerted him to her wakefulness.

"No, not at all! Come in, come in, Isabelle's still asleep.....I've already got some water heating on the stove." Harriet explained as she stepped aside and let Tom sweep into the cottage.

"Ah, I shall keep my voice down then." Tom replied, as if his smooth cadence would be disruptive enough to wake the child.

Harriet placed a hand on her back and went to walk over to the stove, but Tom laughed, "Oh, please, Harriet, sit down! I won't be served by a woman in your condition while I sit idly by. I probably know my way around this particular kitchen better than you do right now anyway."

"I invited you to tea, though." Harriet blinked as Tom led her by the hand to sit at the small dining table across from the counter.

"You did, yes, and my heart nearly burst when I heard those kind words fall from your lips." Tom replied with a smirk as he guided Harriet to sit down.

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