Chapter 5 - Assistance

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Harriet's sleep was deep and restorative.

As she slipped through the dreamless void, she could feel the fear, stress, and pain leaving her entire body.

When she opened her eyes the next morning, she furrowed her brow as she tried to imagine what she lay against that smelled so delicious and how she could have possibly slept that soundly after the letter Ron had tossed her.


Harriet blinked her eyes open as she heard it.


Dazed and disoriented as she fully roused from her deep sleep, Harriet blinked her eyes as she placed a hand beside herself and felt the firmness of another person.

Her memory of the previous night returned to her as she sat up and looked at the alpha who had thoughtfully let her find respite in his strong arms.

"TOM!" Harriet cried as she sat up with a gasp as her eyes widened.

"Good morning, Harriet." He greeted her with a smile.

Although he looked to have rested well too, his eyes were still bleary from sleep as he gazed at his darling.

"Were you finally able to relax?" Tom asked in a gentle purr.

"Very much." Harriet chuckled as she rubbed her eyes. She frowned at him while she exclaimed, "Sorry! I......I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"There's no need to apologize~." Tom purred in his eerily calm voice.

"You could have gotten up and left!" Harriet laughed, "It was sweet of you to stay."

"I chose not to wake you." Tom said with a charming smile, "Your rest appeared to be peaceful.......As my temporary patient, I could think of no better prescription to ease your pains."

Harriet laughed quietly at his lies.

While Tom had been interested in seeing her recover and her premature contractions end, as soon as Harriet had fallen asleep on him, he had abandoned all intention of leaving her cottage that night.

The pregnant omega he loved lying in his arms while she slept had been one of the most fulfilling things Tom Riddle had ever experienced.

His victory had far surpassed the joy he gained from any dark spell or saving a life, no, Harriet Potter was his ultimate satisfaction.

.........And Harriet Potter remained his ultimate goal.

"Tom?" Harriet asked.

"Yes?" He answered.

Tom denied himself the luxury of skimming her thoughts with a silent Legilimency spell.

He silently decided he would allow his beloved to keep her ideas private, at least for the time being.

"I......." Harriet opened her mouth to ask as she stared at him.

Tom drew in a breath as he waited.

What would she ask him?

What would she say?

"I......" Harriet began again.

Her voice trailed off before she could find the words.

"Harriet." Tom smiled charmingly, "You do remember that you can ask me anything, right? You can tell me anything too....Go on, enlighten me as to how I may help you. Clearly, you have some idea."

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