Chapter 14 - Mrs. Riddle

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Tom Riddle suspected that his mother shared a hint of his talent at Legilimency.

It seemed almost eerie to him and Harriet when they woke the next morning, newly engaged and still in blissful recovery from the previous night, to find a letter lying on the kitchen's windowsill.

"Who's it from?" Harriet asked as she sat down at the dining table and watched while Tom slit the envelope with his dark eyes narrowed.

"...........Tom?" Harriet frowned.

Her voice seemed far away as he read over the lines the letter contained:

My dearest son,

How good it is to hear from you once more! I apologize for the distance I've had to keep between us during these last few years, but I greatly look forward to seeing you again! I have no doubt you will achieve your goal, Tom, you've never faltered before. Perhaps you'll have a happier reason to invite me soon?

In loving fondness,

Your mother,

Merope Gaunt

"Tom......?" Harriet called again as her frown melted into a scowl, "Hello.....? Can you hear me?"

"It's from my mother, sweetling." Tom said suddenly as his eyes flickered from the letter to Harriet, "I wrote to her some time ago and inquired about a visit."

"A visit?" Harriet asked, "I.....I've never met your mother before....Would she come to us or would we go to her?"

"At the time, I suggested we would do whatever suited her best, however....." Tom chuckled darkly as he gazed at Harriet with a mischievous smirk on his handsome face, "It's almost as if she can read my thoughts. I suppose we'll be able to send her a wedding invitation soon enough....Don't you agree, sweetling?"

".......Soon enough?" Harriet blinked.

Tom shrugged as he glanced down at Harriet's flat belly while he spoke, "Ideally, I would prefer it if you check into St. Mungo's maternity ward as Mrs. Riddle. That would make things far easier than changing everything over afterwards at the Ministry's record office."

"Who said anything about the maternity ward?" Harriet asked as she stood from her chair and walked over to Tom.

".......A visit there is most likely inevitable, my darling~." Tom chuckled as he watched Harriet come to a stop in front of him, "Even if you intend for me to assist you again, which I gladly will, it would be ideal to have access to the full range of equipment the hospital offers."

"I have no interest in going to the hospital....I'll just want to have you with my nest or in the tub again." Harriet obstinately replied as she stood on her toes and pressed a gentle kiss to Tom's lips.

He eagerly accepted her affection, a bit too eagerly, really.

She had to struggle to pull back enough to whisper, "......But I'll gladly marry you anytime, Tom Riddle. I don't see a reason to wait."

"You're mine, Harriet Potter." Tom whispered as he let his hands slip onto her waist.

".........I'm yours." Harriet grinned as she kissed him again. Tom closed his eyes to deepen their affection as she purred, ".........And you're mine, Tom."

Their quiet exchange of loving sentiment continued for a brief moment before Tom nipped her lips as she pulled away.

"Soon, then?" Harriet asked.

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