Chapter 4 - Healing

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Tom returned to Harriet's cottage for tea the next morning.

And the next.

............And the next.

It quickly became a new tradition that Tom stopped by Harriet's cottage for a spot of tea at the beginning of each day.

Harriet eventually gained access to her inheritance, but no matter how much or how often she offered to pay Tom for the cottage she and daughter inhabited, he refused to accept any money.

Two weeks passed before he made his next move towards wooing the pregnant, unmated omega by inviting her and her daughter to dinner.

He had smirked when Harriet had agreed to come to his cottage for the meal.

Tom made sure to have the foods prepared that were Harriet's favourites and Isabelle's preferred morsels as he entertained his two guests that evening.

After dinner that night, Isabelle fell asleep in the armchair by the fireplace while Harriet sat next to Tom on the couch.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked his darling as his eyes flickered down to her heavy belly.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine, thanks." Harriet nodded as she patted the roundness of her abdomen where her hands lay, "The food was excellent, Tom."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said as he glanced towards Isabelle and chuckled, "Healers believe it's a sign of good digestion when a child falls asleep quickly after eating."

"I think children sleep easier anyway." Harriet said with a sad sigh as she smiled over at her daughter.

"Do you rest well, Harriet?" Tom asked.

Harriet blinked at his sudden question before he cracked a wicked grin, shook his head, and added, "Forgive me, won't you? I can't be this close to an expectant mother and not ask questions.....Once you've been trained as a healer, it's difficult to ignore the impulse to protect."

Harriet's heart skipped a beat.

Tom truly wanted to protect her?

"No, I....I understand." Harriet nodded, "Thanks for asking, Tom, I.....I appreciate your concern."

Tom's dark gaze smouldered as he stared at Harriet.

Wordlessly, they moved closer and closer towards each other as they sat on the sofa.

The only noise in the room came from the crackling flames in the hearth as Harriet glanced towards Tom's lips then back up to his eyes.

"Harriet......." Tom breathed.

"Tom, I......" Harriet gasped as her breasts heaved against the confines of her robes, "I........"

Tom would not force her, nor would he be the one to first initiate any real movement towards something more than friendship.

It was Harriet who would need to show him what she wanted.

Harriet would need to show him that she was ready and willing to accept him as her lover, her mate, and her alpha.

"Tell me what you want, Harriet Potter~." Tom whispered in his eerily calm voice, ".........And it will be yours."

Harriet let out a quiet breath as she closed her eyes and leaned towards the man she loved.

Tom could hardly contain his excitement as he waited with a smirk of anticipation on his lips.

He waited to feel Harriet's mouth against his......

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