Chapter 9 - Tom to the Rescue

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

The weekend passed slowly for Harriet.

Her complaints mounted with her discomforts as her little one kicked inside her womb and abused her constricted bladder.

When Monday morning finally arrived, Harriet greeted it with a groan as Tom eased himself from their cuddled hold to ready for his day at St. Mungo's.

"You have to stay here with me." She whispered as he bent down to kiss her lips gently once he had changed into his healer's uniform.

"I'll be back soon, sweetling~." He promised in his smooth voice.

Moments passed while she slipped back into languid rest.

Harriet blinked her eyes open suddenly as Tom laid a small clock down on the nightstand and purred to her, "I've charmed this.....if you need me, all you have to do is touch it with a single finger and I'll be at your side in a moment, alright?"

Harriet blinked at the clock groggily, then up at Tom before she closed her eyes and settled down to go back to sleep.

She heard him chuckle darkly from somewhere above her before a gentle pop rang out as he apparated away.

As Harriet turned over onto her side, the thought vaguely occurred to her that she hadn't felt her baby move during the previous night.

Concern would have flooded her mind if she hadn't succumbed to the unbearable drowsiness that seemed determined to maintain an unrelenting hold on her.......


Tom had been thoughtful enough to feed Isabelle breakfast and read her morning story before he had gone to work so that Harriet would have the luxury of sleeping late.

Isabelle sat at the foot of the bed while she quietly played with two of her plush dolls and waited on her mother to wake.

Sunlight streamed through the windows onto Harriet's nest.

The moment of blissful peace abruptly ended as her eyes popped open.

She sat bolt upright in bed as a terrible cramp gripped her abdomen.

The dry gasp that issued from her throat alerted Isabelle, who looked up and asked, "....Mummy?"

When Harriet whimpered and failed to respond, Isabelle stood to her feet.

She frowned as she watched her mother lean forward and pull her knees underneath her as she placed her hands in front of herself and rocked her hips through the pain.

"Mummy?........Mummy, what's wrong?" Isabelle frowned.

The pain's sharpness concluded as quickly as it had struck.

Harriet blew out a breath.

"Nothing's wrong, sweetheart." She whispered as she shakily rose from her nest and held onto the nightstand for support.

Isabelle blinked as she watched Harriet try to steady herself.

As she recovered from her nap and her pain, Harriet struggled to understand what she should do next.

She looked at her daughter and remembered Isabelle's birth.

Her labour had been terribly long and frightfully tedious.

She glanced down at the clock and looked at the time.

".........Does your tummy hurt, Mummy?" Isabelle asked with a worried frown.

Saving Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now