Chapter 11 - Tom's Harriet

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Once Tom had lulled Harriet into a flushed haze of drowsiness, with the pain eliminated from her breasts and that awful feverish feeling alleviated, he allowed her to spend the remainder of the day resting with minimal interruptions.

He knew she would need her strength for Ron's upcoming visit.

The following morning, Tom rose from Harriet's nest and helped her ready the children before he retreated to his seperate cottage under the guise of graciously allowing Ron and Harriet a moment of privacy.

Harriet didn't realize it yet, but as Tom Riddle's potential mate, she would never really have complete privacy ever again.

Tom watched from his window with narrowed eyes while a pop rang out in the forest as Ron appeared.

He gnashed his teeth as he watched his enemy walk towards Harriet's cottage and knock on the door.

Tom could hear the vague sound of Harriet speaking to Ron after the door opened.

He watched as Ron stepped inside the cottage.....then came a subtle thud as the door closed.

Tom removed his wand from his pocket and hissed in Parseltongue as he furrowed his brow in deep concentration.

As he spoke his incantation, a thin string of white smoke poured from his wand's tip.

The smoke made its way through a crack in Tom's window before it crept across the distance to Harriet's cottage and hooked, undetected, onto a chipped section of the stone that surrounded her living room.

An evil smirk spread across Tom's lips while he began to eavesdrop on every word that Harriet and Ron spoke.

He silently vowed to keep no secrets from Harriet once they were mated.

However, Tom would take great care to ensure that she never had the chance to keep any from him.


Harriet drew a deep breath as she opened the door to her cottage.

Her baby cooed in her arms as Isabelle clung to her robes.

She plastered a polite smile on her face as she found herself looking at Ron once the door swung open.

"DADDY!" Isabelle cried as she ran forward and threw her arms around Ron's legs in a fond greeting.

"Hello, sweetheart." Ron replied as he reached down and patted his little girl on the back.

His eyes quickly moved back to Harriet and the baby in her arms as he greeted them, "......Morning."

"Good morning, Ron." Harriet nodded. She gestured towards the small living room as she asked, "Would you like to sit down?"

His answer was simple and sullen, ".......Sure."

Harriet felt nervousness knot her insides as she led her ex-husband through the small kitchen and dining area into the living room while Isabelle followed.

Silently, Harriet sat down on the sofa.

As Ron took a seat next to her, they glanced at each other in a series of silent questions and answers before she leaned forward.

He moved towards her and helped her guide their newborn into his arms.

It didn't surprise Harriet that Ron failed to smile as he gazed down at his little boy.

Saving Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now