Chapter 7 - The Unsolvable Riddle

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Tom's dark robes billowed behind him as he confidently strolled back into Courtroom C26.

Although the court session had concluded, Ron and Percy lingered in the otherwise vacant room.

They both turned to look at Tom with sneers of disgust as he calmly walked down the courtroom's steep steps.

"What do you want, Riddle?" Ron snapped as he scowled over at his enemy, "The judge already gave his ruling.....It's over."

Tom decided to give Ron a small taste of what it meant to incur his wrath.

Without warning, Ron's eyes widened suddenly.

"Ronald?" Percy asked as a choking noise came from Ron's mouth while his hands flew to his throat.

"Pardon me, but I was wondering if you'd be kind enough to point me in the direction of the judge's private chambers?" Tom politely asked Percy while Ron gagged and gasped.

"Shove off, Riddle! I have no reason to speak with you!" Percy glared at Tom before he looked back over and watched Ron collapse onto the floor.

Ron clawed at his throat with his eyes bulging as Percy shouted, "RONALD!.....RONALD!"

"Ah, it seems you have a reason to speak with me after all." Tom chuckled darkly as he watched Percy fall to his knees and attempt to help his brother.

Percy grit his teeth as he looked up at Tom and hissed in accusation, "You've cursed him!"

"Such a lie can't be proven." Tom shrugged as he lifted his hands in a nonchalant gesture.

Casters of nonverbal spells, whether of dark origin or not, were incredibly hard to pinpoint.

"You're the Head Healer at St. Mungo's!" Percy snarled as he held Ron, who struggled to breathe, "If you didn't curse him, then help him, Riddle! Help him!"

".....And why should I do that?" Tom asked coldly.

"You're a healer!" Percy cried as his eyes narrowed, "He'll suffocate!"

"He may very well be choking on the truth." Tom suggested, "Perhaps if he spits it out....or if you were to cough up the information I require.....then he may breathe freely again......"

Ron's face began to turn colours as his quickly dissipating oxygen supply dwindled to a dangerously low level.

When Percy glanced down and saw his brother close to losing consciousness, he pointed a finger in the right direction and shouted, "There! The judge's chambers are through that hallway!"

Tom nodded at Percy before he turned and walked away.

As soon as Tom left, a horrible, wheezing gasp came from Ron's chest as his starving lungs filled with air at last.

Without any wounds or serious effects, Ron's rapid recovery allowed Tom to keep his word to Harriet.

Before he disappeared down the hallway that led to the judge's private rooms though, Percy called out to him as he held Ron in his arms while his brother's breathing steadied, "You're a sick bastard, Riddle!"

Tom stopped abruptly.

Slowly, he glanced over his shoulder at the Weasley brothers who lay defeated on the courtroom floor.

The evil smirk that curled Tom's lips sent a chill down Percy's spine as he spoke in his eerily calm voice, "Better a bastard than a weasel, I'll wager."

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