Chapter 8 - Ron's Response

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You must have received my last dozen letters. I send them practically every day now. Are you going to write me back or not? Has the baby come yet? I know where you live, I can come and see for myself if you're going to be this difficult about everything. I want to take Isabelle for a weekend soon. Mum and Dad want to see her too. Hurry up and respond, I don't particularly care to deal with Riddle again, but if it's what I have to do to see my daughter, then that's that.

Ron W.

Tom raised an eyebrow as he read over the letter in his hands.

Since his private meeting with the judge, he had noticed that message after message had arrived from Harriet's ex-husband.

Tom didn't mind in the least, of course, but Ron's letters had become increasingly annoying, especially when he had greater things on his mind.......such as Harriet's health and safety.

With his beloved days away from the birth of her second child, he had decided to shield his darling from any and all stress that he possibly could.

In an effort to minimize her mental and emotional strain, Tom had thoughtfully and secretly undertaken the task of screening her mail every day as soon as it had been delivered.

Tom frowned as he tossed Ron's letter into the flames that crackled in the hearth of the fireplace.

It amazed him how deep his feelings for Harriet truly were, how much he craved her respect and admiration.

As Tom sat down to write a letter of his own, the flames destroyed the last remnants of Ron's most recent communication.

Tom's quill moved up and down over the parchment while he scowled down in concentration as he wrote his message.

To verify that his words appeared correctly, he glanced over his written lines once he signed his name at the bottom of the letter:

Dear Mother,

I'm writing to inform you that I hope to visit soon. I hope you're enjoying your retirement. Harriet Potter has come back into my life after all these years and it is my greatest wish to see her stay. Perhaps in a few months, we could come stay with you for a few days? You're welcome to visit me here, but I understand you don't enjoy leaving your new home.

Kind Regards,

Your only son,

The Head Healer at St. Mungo's,

The Great Dark Wizard,

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Tom had just finished his review when a gentle voice called out, ".......Tom?"

Tom blinked as he turned his head and saw Isabelle standing a short distance from him in the living room.

"Good morning, little one." He smiled at the small girl, "Did you sleep well?"

Isabelle nodded silently.

Since Tom had treated Harriet's daughter during the fever she had suffered, she had grown more comfortable with him.

"Mummy's still asleep." Isabelle pouted.

"Yes, she is, for now." Tom replied as he blinked at the little girl, "She's very, very tired because your sibling is going to be born soon."

".....When is Mummy going to wake up?" Isabelle frowned.

"Perhaps in a moment or two." Tom smiled. He glanced down at the book Isabelle held in her hands as he reached out and asked, "Shall we read your good morning story while we wait for her?"

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