Morgul Blade, Rivendell and Memories

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Hello! Another long ass chapter and more Raewyn and Aragorn moments including when he realizes who she is! No, Arwen will not be a love interest in this so stuff about her dying will be null.  And if you are wondering; Raewyn speaks Sindarian Elvish like Arwen since she is part of that family. Also Raewyn has a connection nature and creatures; unknown to her which will reveal in the next chapter before the council meeting, but she is able to give strength to animals if they are injured. In example; Bill the horse runs faster. 

Elvish will appear as Italic

A whisper, multiple whispers is what pulled Frodo from his blissful dreamless sleep

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A whisper, multiple whispers is what pulled Frodo from his blissful dreamless sleep. Confusion swept through him as he tried to shake off the sleep haze that was trying to pull him back under. His confusion continued when he noticed Raewyn wasn't by his side; she fell asleep next to him "Can I have some bacon?" he hears a voice "Ok. Want a tomato, Sam?"

His eyes shot open once more, his body lurching upwards as he whipped around to face the others in disbelief and terror. Sam, Merry, and Pippin huddled over a small fire laughing as they picked at their food What are you doing?" he asked almost horrified which drew their attention as well as Raewyn jumping down from the ledge "You idiots!" she and Frodo begin to stomp out the fire but not before they hear terrifying screeching. Pippin's voice washed over them all, Merry's dying in his throat as the screech pierced the night air the second the fire was put out.

All four hobbits cast a look down and across the fog-covered ground to see the dark shadows of the creatures that were hunting them, the heavy blanket of fog curling up and around them making them seem more ominous. "Go!" Raewyn shouted drawing her sword with the hobbits following suit. She knew she shouldn't have left them and that was her mistake. They ran and climbed as fast as they could till they were at the very top of the tower ruins, back-to-back and swords drawn. Their eyes scanned the darkness for what they knew was coming because of their foolishness.

Suddenly, Frodo stopped, his gaze drawn to a spot between two pillars before him

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Suddenly, Frodo stopped, his gaze drawn to a spot between two pillars before him. The dark foul creature stepped from the darkness into the light and drew its sword while four more joined it. Raewyn moved in front of him with her sword drawn "Tye indóme vamme van- me"(You will not pass me) she said as she and one of the creatures crossed swords.

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