Helm's Deep, Gi Melin (I Love You)

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I JUST HAD TO! I'm having too much fun doing the chapters for this and ive gotten messages that "I better bring them back together soon or i will die" hahah I am so glad you guys love this story! 

I JUST HAD TO! I'm having too much fun doing the chapters for this and ive gotten messages that "I better bring them back together soon or i will die" hahah I am so glad you guys love this story! 

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The people of Edoras are seen leaving the through the city gates led by Théoden and his guards, with Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn

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The people of Edoras are seen leaving the through the city gates led by Théoden and his guards, with Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn. Théoden pauses to look back at Edoras, then rides off. A long line of people can be seen weaving its way down the hillside. Gimli rides a horse that Eowyn leads " It's true, you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance...that they're often mistaken for Dwarf men." Gimli talks as Eowyn looks behind at Aragorn as he rode his horse "It's the beards" he gestures to an imaginary beard from his chin as she grins and looks back to Gimli "This, in turn, has given rise to the belief...that there are no Dwarf women...and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground..."

Eowyn couldn't help but laugh "Which is, of course ridiculous" the horse suddenly gallops off, throwing Gimli to the ground as she laughs and runs to help him " It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate." Gimli says dusting himself off. Théoden chuckles as Aragorn rides next to him " I haven't seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief." He says softly. Aragorn nodded "I know a maiden who suffered the same. I'm sure if she were here, Eowyn wouldn't feel so alone" Aragorn replied as Théoden looked at him "Another companion that is lost?"

Aragorn looked at him again nodding "Raewyn... She is alive. She will come, I know it" Théoden looked at him with a small smile; he could see the look Aragorn carried, the look of love and longing.

As nighttime came; Théoden and his people decided to rest. Aragorn found himself smoking his pipe thinking of Raewyn. He thought on moments they had together; one particular came to mind before they left Rivendell.


Taking courage, he stepped from behind the tree as he slowly walked onto the bridge "Raewyn..." he said in a soft tone which caused her to turn to him; her eyes bore sadness in them, but she still smiled "Aragorn... You should not sneak up on me..." she chuckled softly clasping her hands in front of her. She could feel her cheeks heat up as he smiled at her. The stars filled the sky brightly and illuminated the grounds causing everything around them to dance with light; it made her look even more beautiful and for a moment he could speak but gained the courage to "Are you all right?" he asked softly as he took some steps towards her.

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