Deep In The Mines... The Sound Of Her Heart Breaking

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Surprise! Another chapter! Ill be uploading Whispers of Eternity later this week! Working on small business stuff. Switching from Etsy to Shopify so it's taking up time lol 

 Switching from Etsy to Shopify so it's taking up time lol 

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Moria Mithril Mine

The fellowship entered a chamber with old ropes and ancient ladders as Gandalf touches a shiny substance on the wall "The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels but mithril" Raewyn said softly as she touches the wall as well. She remembers meeting Balin, Dain, and Dwalin after they managed to take back Erebor from Smaug but Balin was her favorite as he was always giving her knowledge. Gandalf smiles at Raewyn as he holds his lit staff over the expansive drop beside them.

The fellowship all look down as they see into the depths of the mines; a blue glow, very faint resonates from its depths as it looks all but abandoned "Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him" Gandalf said as the group pressed on

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The fellowship all look down as they see into the depths of the mines; a blue glow, very faint resonates from its depths as it looks all but abandoned "Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him" Gandalf said as the group pressed on. Raewyn couldn't help but smile because she heard much of Thorin and his kin that had passed during the battle of the Five Armies; she wished she could have met them but during the Erebor journey she was sent to Saruman for safety as she learned much from her mentor, for him to go to Sauron broke her heart.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift" Gimli stated happily as Gandalf nodded "I never told him, but its worth was greater than the value of the Shire" Frodo who was listening looked at Gandalf with wide eyes. They continued up the Moria Cemetery cavern as they climbed the steep stair, passing through it. The graves are despoiled as dwarf skeletons are strewn about and goblin graffiti is scrawled on monuments in dried dwarf blood. The atmosphere is very sinister. Raewyn looked at one monument as it read a name of a mother and child; her face was saddened as Aragorn saw this. He reached for her arm gently which snapped her out of her thoughts and looking at him; her eyes could be seen glistening almost as if she was holding back tears.

Boromir saw the interaction but felt the need to check on the girl "Is everything all right?" he asked as she looked at him nodding "Yes... Thank you Boromir..." she said softly as she walked past the two sniffling and following the rest of the fellowship. The path splits into three passages each disappearing into dark tunnels. Gandalf takes a moment then frowns "I have no memory of this place..." he said softly.

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