Knowing More, An Arrival?

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After the events on the day like meeting one of Y/N's favorite character in the real world Ruby Rose, seeing that magic and wishes can be true if you hold on that desire, Y/N and Ruby are currently at the Kitchen since Y/N promise to give another cookie to Ruby since the dark red haired girl wanted to try again those delicious Cookies.

Ruby was Sitting on an chair with an table that can be used for eating, being happy because she will try again that Costco Cookie that make her taste buds pleases from the flavor, as Y/N was grabbing an plate with an bunch of Cookies, Chocolate chip, White Chocolate Chip and wheat cookies, with an glass of Milk for her.

Y/N walks to the table where Ruby was waiting, and when he arrives passes the Cookie plate to Ruby with the milk, while Ruby was with Shining Stars Eyes seeing how many flavors are to try.

Y/N:Here you go Ruby, don't hesitate and eat as many you want without any problem and while you do that, we could discuss your questions about this Dimension as you say.

Ruby: -Didn't Listen to Y/N because she was staring the cookies because there were different choices to eat, as she grabbed the first one and started to eat many cookies at less time- Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom!

Ruby: -Didn't Listen to Y/N because she was staring the cookies because there were different choices to eat, as she grabbed the first one and started to eat many cookies at less time- Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom!

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Y/N just watches how Ruby was eating fast the cookies making an shocked face because the mountain of cookies was disappearing little by little, but at the same times it reminds something for Y/N.

Y/N (Thinking): It's me or...this reminds me when Ozpin Meets Ruby?...Either way Ruby is the real Cookie Monster...But she looks cute!

Y/N: A-Ahem! Now I think is time that we talk about your questions you have about this Dimension don't you think?, I'll help as I can.

Ruby: Hmmmm? -Seeing Y/N with a bunch of cookies on her mouth, as she grabs the milk and pour it on her mouth and swallows all in one go- Sorry Sorry, i completely forget about it! The cookies were delicious that I wasn't thinking about it, but you are right Y/N.

Y/N: Its ok don't worry Ruby, so shall we get started?

Ruby: Right, Well do you have an semblance or the people of here have like an power from inside?

Y/N: Ummm...No i don't possess an power like that, and all the people from here either, like I said I'm an normal human.

Ruby: Wait! Really?! How you defend yourself when the Grimm attack?!

Y/N: Grimm?...Oh Grimm -Playing Fool- Those monsters doesn't exist here.

Ruby: Huh?! Grimm doesn't exist in this Dimension?!, I thought Salem had their pawns in all the Dimensions!, so she didn't touch this one?...

Y/N (Thinking): This will be harder than I thought, I just can't say that She isn't real because you are an cartoon about of nowhere, but it will be difficult to respond her questions.

Ruby: Well I see that this Dimension is very similar to mine where I live, but with slight changes like the technology this could be strange but knowing all the kind of Dimensions  it's normal that there's one with little differences, Now how I will find the others? i start to make an plan to return?...I'm really going to defeat Salem?...Can I?...Can We?...-Starts to go on an reflexive and sad mode-

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