After an long day.

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//Well then as it was completed the goal mark I mentioned, your rewards is right here, thank you all for supporting the story!//

A lot of things happened today at Y/N life, but the most important one is that his parents visit him without him remember that it was that very important day, but this time they met all team RWBY girls having an meal with them, and with the mother of Y/N making some very deep questions to all of them everyone responding with a little bit of their charm.

And then after saying goodbye to Y/N parents, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Y/N went back to home, as the boy give an huge sight and just sit on the floor laying on the door as the stressful moment finally have come to an end.

As Y/N puts his one of his hand on her face and just closing her eyes starting to relax a little bit, it was hard for Y/N to handle all of this but the effort it was truly worth it.

Y/N: Phew...

Weiss: -Getting near Y/N- Are you ok Y/N you look a little bit exhausted...

Y/N: Don't worry I'm fine Weiss and all of you don't have to worry ur happens to me every time my parents come to visit me.

Blake: But you seem a like if you were beat up, I know that it's very exhausting to cook like you did please don't act like you are completely fine.

Yang: Yeah Blake is right, if you want I can carry you so you don't have to walk, trust me I can carry you even with one arm -Winks-

Y/N: Thank you yang, I appreciate it but well I don't need it, I just need an moment to my self...meanwhile you can do whatever you want for the time being, just behave.

Weiss:...Let's go everyone we should let Y/N have an moment alone.

Ruby: We will be at the living room if you need us ok? -smiles-

Y/N: Sure thanks.

As then everyone of team RWBY leaves the hall of the entrance so they could leave Y/N have an moment to just chill a little bit as he just worked hard this day to impress their parents of how he improved living alone.

As for him it's the most stressful thing to do, as if it is worst than the last visit her mom would be disappointed of him and of course Y/N didn't want that as he has to do it better and better with each visit.

But now all of that it was over, as he prays that their parents liked the girls as Y/N thinks that everyone did an great job not revealing who they really are that it was the main he was worried about.

So he just still was laying in the door while sitting on the floor, starting to feel a little bit sleepy as he yawned a little bit as the side effect of being full it was starting to get on him, as slowly he was got fully sleep.

And then after an moment later, while Y/N was still sleeping Yang walked a back to see if Y/N was fine and then she saws that Y/N is sleeping like an log, as she just giggles a little bit seeing that scene.

Yang: -Whispering- He really was tired after all Huh?...well he did an great job and I did an great job too of behaving in front of their parents so...I think I deserve an little reward right?~

As Yang went near Y/N and with caution he carried him with her arms like if Y/N was the damsel, as the blonde girl walked with caution too and slowly so she didn't do any noise, going upstairs until they arrive and Yang goes with an sleepy Y/N to his room.

And after that Yang laid Y/N to his bed and then closed the door so no one could see that Yang is right in Y/N room, as for her it was the perfect moment to do something with him.

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