An Date?!

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After that start of the morning where Weiss kissed Y/N on his lips leaving him just very confused and not knowing what to do now that in less of 8 hours she received two kisses one from Ruby and the other from Weiss, but for the best he was going to get up.

As he would be taking an shower to get all those thoughts out of the way but it would be impossible now that it happened two times, and then after shower he would be putting some casual clothes so he could go downstairs.

As he could hear that on the dinning roomthere would be so much noise but it was from everyone talking on the table, as Y/N would be just trying to calm his self as he didn't know how to even look to the little rose and the Schnee, and then Y/N would be entering the dinning room.

Yang: Y/N finally you are awake!

Blake: Weird to see you getting up later than us, but hope you could sleep well.

Raven: Missing someone?~

Summer: Did you sleep well? -smiles-

Weiss: Come here, your breakfast is right there.

Ruby: -Blushing- U-Umm h-hi Y/N.

Y/N: Good morning everyone, sorry if I got up later than usual it's not something I usually do, and thank you so much Summer for doing breakfast.

Summer: Your welcome Y/N I missed cooking so much that I needed to do it, Raven wanted to do it but...I just can't trust her on that.

Raven: Oh come on! It not like it could explode the kitchen.

Yang: Well...

Raven: Don't you dare speak an word.

Yang: -Sighs- Yeah yeah...

Y/N: -Sitting next to Ruby and Summer- I'll definitely pay this off with making dinner today, so wait for it girls.

Weiss: Great! Another delightful dinner it will be.

Yang: Hell yeah! Great good tonight Wohoo!

Ruby: Y-Yay... -Blushing-

Raven: I'll wait for it every single second -smirks to Y/N-

Y/N: So what's the plan today? -smiles-

Weiss: Oh about that, we were talking all and we have planned the day what we are going to do.

Y/N: Oh that's an surprise for me, since u was the one who says what we're going to do today, it's very nice to see all of you made an plan for today, so what is it?

Yang: We are taking our moms to the mall so they could choose some clothes, since I thinking being on the clothes they are it would be a little bit strange.

Raven: Hey! My clothes aren't weird!

Weiss: With those high heels I doubt about it.

Blake: Miss Rose could be almost in the tip of being normal clothes but...

Summer: I was thinking that it would be nice to wear clothes of this dimension and getting used to them since I'm going to live here.

Ruby: So that's the plan.

Y/N: So? Who is going?

Yang: All of us except Blake.

Y/N: Huh? Why?

Blake: I well... got another plans

Ruby: We tried to convince her but,she just want to do her own plan for today.

Raven: Sooo Y/N would you like to come with us?~

Y/N: Well...I think is better if Weiss is the leader of this plan since she is the most capable when is it about fashion.

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