Part 38 - Drop zde guns

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Andy and Con cautiously slid sideways on their buttocks until they could lift themselves into seats.

'Stonk,' Andy said, 'Please escort this gentleman off the plane. We are about to take off and be careful . . . he's a martial artist.'

'I am NOT an artist,' Kozak shouted angrily. 'I am archivist.'

Stonk cautiously sat on the ball bearings and slid across the cabin floor pushing with his hands. He grabbed an unresisting Kozak off the pile of bodies and slid back to the door dragging Kozak behind him. I squirmed around in my seat to look out the window as Stonk carried him down the steps . . . into a blizzard of purple spaghetti foam. This came from under the wing so I couldn't see the projector but I guessed it was Triple Oh. 

But then, a large man climbed into the aircraft. He was wearing full body armour with helmet and face shield and he carried a large cylinder on a backpack. The cylinder was labelled IMMOBILLFOAM. He didn't look like Triple Oh and he seemed unaffected by the ball bearings that swarmed around his feet.

Con and Andy both pointed hand guns at him. 'Who the hell are you?' Con snarled. 'Drop zde guns . . . slowly,' the man demanded. The accent told me he was Murga.

But instead, Andy fired, hitting Murga in the chest. The impact of the bullet on the chest armour knocked him down with but this did not stop Murga from firing a large jet of sticky, purple spaghetti foam at Andy. Con dropped his gun as Beryl punched his arm while Murga swung the foam nozzle with practised skill from the floor and, within seconds, Andy and Con were all wrapped up in a rapidly congealing mess of sticky purple foam.

As Murga stood up I noticed his boots soles had spikes that were longer than the diameter of the silvery balls that were swarming around his feet.

The pilot opened the flight deck door, looked at the bodies on the cabin floor and hastily retreated, closing the door behind him. Murga pull a small devise from his pack, dropped it on the floor and instantly all the glass balls began to surge into it as if it was a vacuum cleaner.

Murga sprayed Beryl with KleanUp, the chemical to clean off the foam releasing her arm from Con's purple cocoon, and shouted, 'Everybody get out!' 

Beryl stood up, as soon as the glass ball bearings had all disappeared, and began releasing all of us, starting with Dr Zhang who promptly rushed out to inspect his new Terramax.

As Beryl pulled the hoods from Boz and Ozzy's heads. I said, 'Wait. I need to talk to them.' I leaned over the seat back and whispered. 'Boz, we have just been kidnapped by a vicious gang of criminals who do not like live witnesses. If either of you says a word of this to anyone, they will find out and you will be tortured and shot dead. You must promise to say nothing.' 

Boz looked so scared he could barely talk. 'Yes, yes . . . I mean no, no, no. We, we, won't say a word. Pr-promise.'

Beryl handed me the shears and I cut the plastic ties holding Boz and Ozzy to the seats.

Murga stopped me as I followed Licia and Miguel through the door.  'Vee came to rescue you,' he said. 'You are free to leave.'

'You're not going to kidnap me this time?' I asked sarcastically. 'Gee thanks . . . When are you going to return my parents?'

'Zdat is a matter for negotiation. When I get zde information.'

'Oh would you do me a favour,' I asked, 'and take Boswell and Ozzy back to school . . . Feel free to terrorize them into not talking about this to anyone.'

Murga chuckled through his mask. 'Ein goot idea,' he said as he walked to the steps.

'Karl,' he called, 'Bitte, kommen Sie herein.' (Karl, please come (you) inside).When Karl, a large, masked, black clad man, arrived Murga spoke to him in German. 

 Karl picked up the hoods, jammed them over Boz's and Ozzie's heads, hauled them to their feet and dragged them to the door.   'You two vill come vit me!' he said. 'And no peeking.' 

 Karl, with a firm grip on their arms, propelled them down the steps and into Murga's SUV. Nobody tried to stop us as we followed them down the steps but I noticed another heavily armoured man with an assault rifle near the aircraft; presumably Murga's back-up team.

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