Chapter 1

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"Mark!" I yelled at the closed bathroom door. I ran a hand through the mess of purple and blue hair on my head before yelling, "Seriously, you've been in there for like an hour! Get. Out." I enunciated the last bit cause I was going to be late for school - I might have the 'I don't care' look and attitude but that doesn't mean I enjoy being late! I began to knock loudly on the door, "Three hours won't make that dumb blonde quiff any less dumb you know." I stated as Mark opened the door with a highly annoyed expression on his face, I fake pouted at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Get out my way you brat." he practically growled as he shoved me to the side, I lost my footing and bumped into the wall sending my brother a death glare which he laughed off and then stalked down the hall - I say 'stalked' cause that's how he walks, like the world owes him something! I muttered, "Jerk." to myself as I entered the bathroom to get ready for a day of hell, or as some people call it -school.
Basic look for me: ripped black skinny jeans with black boots that reached a good way up my leg with the shoelaces sloppy tied and sort of hanging, a dark grey tank top covered with my black leather jacket - I like black okay! I tied my hair back in a messy pony but let my fringe fall into my face, eyeliner and mascara with a bit of black eyeshadow cover my eyes making their green colour stand out. My ears covered in piercings that went from black studs to skulls, plus the silver band that sits neatly in my lip and I'm off to the torture of school.

My brothers are both in grade 12 so it's their last year, I'm one year below them - the terrifying grade 11. So they have cars and drive me to school, the car rides are always silent unless one of them brings a girl - the girl normally won't shut up! Annoying and squeaky little twits. Yet another reason why I hate people: they constantly talk! I plug my earphones in and watch out the window, 'People out there, they have it worse, don't make yourself a victim!' I told myself, I took in the scenery as we passed - mostly people walking their dogs or going for a morning run. There's the occasional kid on their way to school and just a lot of trees and bushes with flowers that ranged in colours from dark blue to light pink.
When we arrived at school I got out and went straight into the building, not even looking at my brothers, a few people bumped into me on my way to my locker - whether it was on purpose or not I really wanted to scream at them, but that would mean actually communicating with those awful creatures! So, I kept my head down and walked, avoiding people as best I could. I had just made it to my locker when I heard a mocking voice say, "Oh damn! Your still alive, what a shame." I turned to see the three girls I knew would be standing there - as they are practically every single day - and gave them my best 'screw you' smile and said, "Damn!"

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