Chapter 24

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"It's easy! How are you so bad at this?" Hunter laughed at my failed attempts at archery. I pouted at him and dropped the bow to hang by my side.
"It's not easy!" I whined and Hunter tilted his head to look at the arrows sticking into the tree, far away from the target.
"You should've at least hit it once... Or gotten reasonably close to it" He cocked his head the side and smirked at me. I frowned at the arrows, as if my frustration at them would make them move onto the target.
"This isn't fair." I stated as I picked up another arrow.
"Let me show you how." Hunter laughed, "You're holding it all wrong." He lifted my arm into the right position then went and stood behind me, "Pull back like this." He put his hands over mine and pulled my hand back. I looked over at him - he was concentrating on the target, his blue eyes filled with determination. His jaw was slightly clenched in his focus and his lips pursed. "Then you let go." He let go of the arrow and I heard a thump, I quickly turned my head, realizing I wasn't paying attention to the arrow. The arrow had hit the bullseye, I let my mouth hang slightly open.
"How are you so good at this?" I said in awe.
"I told you, it's not that hard. You just gotta practice." He smirked at me, then raised an eyebrow, "and you have to pay attention."
"I was paying attention!" I tried to defend myself but both Hunter and I knew that I was lying. He laughed and nodded, stepping away from me.
"Alright then, since you were paying attention," he shrugged and gave me a sceptical look, "you should be able to do it on your own now." He gestured for me to try and I sighed in defeat.
"That's what I thought." He laughed and poked my side.
"Alright fine, I'm sorry. Show me again?" I asked sweetly and he laughed, handing me another arrow.

We sat on the couch, the TV was on but we weren't paying attention to it. I really liked this little cabin, it was cozy and peaceful. Being there with Hunter made it one of my favorite places to be.
"Stop zoning out!" Hunter clicked his fingers in front of my face and laughed.
"Sorry..." I covered my face with my hands and shook my head, "I have been doing that a lot."
"What's on your mind my little KitKat?" Hunter moved closer to me and took my hand, concern laced in his voice.
"It's nothing serious Hunter." I assured him but held his hand tightly and climbed onto his lap, putting my head on his shoulder, "I really like it here."
"Yeah? Guess we'll have to come back again." He smiled, kissing the top of my head. I turned my face so it was buried in the crook of his neck, breathing him in.
"Why did you pick to be friends with me?" I suddenly asked, I don't even know where it came from. I had to know though.
"What's do you mean?" Hunter frowned and his hold on me tightened, pulling me hard against his body.
"I mean, there were all those other girls that literally threw themselves at you." I spoke quietly.
"Well of course they did, have you seen me?" He smirked and I smacked his arm, moving so I could see his face properly and frowning. He laughed and kissed my cheek.
"I picked you because I liked you. You weren't like everyone else, you completely took my breath away and I knew that I had to have you in my life." He looked at me seriously, "I've always thought you were perfection, the definition of it actually. You walked around like you didn't care but at the same time you're sensitive and just so very innocent."
"I'm not perfect." I stated.
"I disagree. Perfection is something that makes you think that nothing could be better than that one thing. It makes you want to look at it all day and you never get tired of it. Perfection is when something is just so beautiful, it knocks the breath straight out your lungs and makes you smile. I can't help but smile when I see you, I can't help but look at you even if there's something that others may find more interesting around. I just can't help but love everything that you are, everything you do. I can't help the fact that you take my breath away. You may not be everyone's definition of perfection Kate, but you sure as hell are mine." He never took his eyes off of me as he spoke, my heart melted with every sentence.
"Hunter..." I let out a short breath, he always made me feel so special and so loved.
"Kate don't you see?" He gently stroked the side of my face, "You're like an artwork, not everyone gets you but the ones that do are so mesmerized by you that nothing else matters."
"I can't believe you think that..." I laughed softly, gripping his shirt in my hand.
"Well it's the truth okay, you are and always will be perfect to me." He turned me so I was facing him properly, my legs on either side of him. I looked down then back up at him.
"Don't cry." He whispered. I hadn't even realized I was. I shook my head.
"I'm sorry." I bit my lip and made a move to wipe my tears away but Hunter took my hand in his and kissed it, then moved and kissed my cheeks and eyes, wiping away the tears with his lips. I smiled slightly, resting my hands on his chest.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, his voice a mixture of laughter and concern.
"They're happy tears." I laughed and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, pulling me to his body.
"I love you so much my little KitKat." He said.
"I love you so much too Hunter, my amazing Hunter." I cupped the side of his face, my heart feeling swelled with emotions for him.
"I wish you understood..." He said so softly I almost didn't hear him and looked down, I frowned a bit but when he looked at me again I understood and my heart didn't just skip a beat- it full out stopped.
"I..." I couldn't find the words, they wouldn't come out. Hunter sighed and put his hand on my hip, lifting my shirt a bit and gently going over my tattoo with his thumb. At that point my body moved on its own, I wasn't thinking. If I was thinking I probably wouldn't have done what I did next. I leaned down and connected mine and Hunter's lips, my hand slipping into his hair and pulling him closer. At first he didn't respond, but soon he was kissing me back. It was sweet but slightly desperate, I could taste my tears that fell down my cheek and got lost on our lips as they moved against each other. It wasn't like when I kissed Marco, it felt nice kissing Marco but this- this was sending butterflies crashing around my stomach and my mind went fuzzy, all I could think about was how it felt to be with Hunter- everything Hunter was, how he felt, how he smelled, how he sounded and just - him. The kiss became deeper, but less desperate, it was loving and passionate. Both of us wanting to show our emotions and not thinking about anything else. It was Hunter who finally pulled away, leaning his forehead on mine and breathing heavily.

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