Chapter 5

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Hunter and I spoke all through the day, laughing, making jokes and annoying teachers. I studied him during our last lesson, he seemed so easy going and cool, why the hell was he friends with me? Not that I was complaining, I mean I like Hunter.
"Kate?" Hunter said sounding amused
"Huh?" I babbled and he laughed
"The bell rang, genius" he pointed to the clock that hung on the wall and with a smirk and said, "Schools over" I felt my checks get red and I wanted to slap myself!
" I gotta go!" I said and got up quickly "Bye!" I called over my shoulder at him, I heard him laugh and say, "Bye, K" I smiled.

I was still smiling like an idiot when I got to the car to find both Jared and Mark looking at me with raised brows. "What?" I asked and they shared a look.
"Don't hang out with him" Jared said
"He's bad news" Mark added
"Excuse me?" My eyes widened at their comments, what were they going on about?
"You heard us, Kate" Jared said, he didn't call me 'brat', I was completely taken aback.
"I don't know what you mean!" I gritted through teeth, Jared rolled his eyes at me.
"Hunter." Mark stated
"Are you impaired?" Jared turned in his seat, I stuck my tongue out at him as if I was 5.
"Clearly, cause you shouldn't be around him!" Mark said
"He accepts me..." I whispered and they both looked at me with concern but didn't say anything else, they knew how hard it was for me to make friends so Mark just stared the car and drove home.

*3 weeks later*

"No way!" I laughed at Hunter's story of how he accidentally lit his uncles house on fire. He smiled at me and said, "I tell you the truth, he was real mad too!"
"I can imagine!" I laughed again, bumping him with my hip as he walked down the hall.
"But he's rich so whatever" he shrugged and gave me his signature smirk.
"Oh yeah, no that totally makes it okay!" I said sarcastically but he just winked at me. Jade and her little twits stalked up to Hunter and me, Jade said with a flirty smile, "Hey Hunter! Why's a sexy thing like you with a awful creature like that?" She was leaning on him and practically purring the words at him. He moved away from her and closer to me and I saw the hatred flash across her face, her eyes burning into me. Hunter looked at her without any expression but slowly put his arm around me, "Maybe, just maybe" he said leaning down a bit so he was closer to her height and up in her face. "I prefer nice people" he lightly squeezed my shoulder. Jade huffed "Whatever!" and flicked her hair then she and her minions twitched off. I was still looking after them so I didn't see Hunter looking down at me, when I turned my head to look up at him his face was really close to mine and he looked like he was concentrating really hard on something. "What?" I asked looking down at my clothes and touched my face, worried there was something on me.
"You're beautiful" he simply said, looking me dead in the eye.
"Excuse me?" I blushed, but didn't break eye contact with him.
"Don't listen to that hateful hag, she's just jealous that she isn't as gorgeous as you!" He was frowning in her direction now, I felt as if my checks where about to melt off, still looking in her direction he said, "She's pretty on the outside but her inside kinda sucks" then he looked at me, "You're beautiful on the inside and on the outside." My heart flipped, no one had ever said something like that to me. I looked down only to have Hunter lift my chin so that I was looking at him, "I mean it my little KitKat" he said then pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around him and I put my face into his shoulder, he just held me understanding how what he said had meant the world to me.

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