Chapter 14

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I had gone straight to my room, ignoring my family. I slammed the door and locked it, leaning against it as tears started to form in my eyes. I rested my head back on the door and let myself slide down until I was sitting on the floor, I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in my hands. I refused to let the tears fall and I bit my lip so hard the taste of blood filled my mouth. Growing angrier and angrier with myself because I could've just left it, I caused such a stupid fight over something that shouldn't bother me that much. I didn't know how to fix this, when Marco said goodbye he said it wasn't a fight we were having... What did that mean? I pulled my phone out my pocket, I debated who I should call. Should I say sorry to Marco and try to fix things or should I call Hunter and let him make me feel better.
I checked the time; 10:13. I took a deep breath and dialed the number, hoping I wasn't making the wrong choice.

He picked up on the third ring and I sighed in relief. The sound of his voice let the tears fall out my eyes.
"Kate?" His voice was a mix of concern and confusion.
"I'm sorry...I just..." I didn't realize how weak my voice was until I tried to speak, a lump forming in my throat as I tried to control my tears. I heard him sigh, the phone was silent for what seemed like a really long and agonizing time.
"I understand why you were upset, let's just forget about it Princess" Marco's voice was soft and understanding.
"Y-you're not mad at me?" I whispered into the phone. He laughed softly.
"No, I was just a little upset at the time but I know it must be hard for your family not to like your best friend."
"Yeah... It is." I sighed and the phone was silent for a while.
"It's something we can get through, right?" He finally asked, breaking the silence that wasn't uncomfortable but full of tension. I just wanted him here so I knew how he was responding and I wasn't playing this stupid guessing game with my mind.
"It's something we can get through" I said and smiled. I could practically feel his relief through the phone.
"Goodnight Princess, I'll see you tomorrow." Marco said and I couldn't help the short laugh of my own relief that escaped my mouth.
"Night Marco." I said and hung up, leaning back against the door and playing with my phone in my fingers. I fell asleep on the floor, leaning against my door and my phone in my hands.

I heard an aggressive knock on my door, telling me it wasn't the first knock that had come; I groaned and stretched, a sharp pain shooting through my neck.
"Ow, dammit." I moaned and stood up, rubbing my neck and unlocked the door to glare at the person on the other side.
"It's late, you need to get u-" Jared took in my appearance, "Did you sleep in your clothes that you wore last night?" I looked down at my clothes, black ripped skinnies with a black skull top, and shrugged, closing the door only to have him push it open.
"The hell Jared?" I snarled at him. He raised his eyebrows at me and scoffed.
"Stop being a baby, you need to fix things with Marco." He said, irritation dripping from his voice. I glared at him, scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"Can I please get dressed?" I ignored his previous statement, wanting him to think Marco and I were still fighting.
"Not until you call him and fix things!" I laughed and walked into my room, he followed me, "I'm serious Brat, you can't mess something like that up!" I walked into my bathroom and locked the door, turning the shower on. I heard him hit the door out of frustration but walked away.

Jared was waiting outside my door when I walked out and I groaned, walking straight past him only to have him follow me. I grabbed my bag on the table and put my leather jacket on.
"Where are you going?" Jared glared at me and I smiled innocently.
"To lunch." I used my best I'm-so-cute-and-innocent voice which obviously made Jared more irritated then he already was.
"You're going to lunch with Hunter? Seriously?" He scoffed and I raised my eyebrows at him then laughed.
"What!" He snapped and I patted his shoulder as if he were a confused child. I opened the door and walked towards the car waiting for me outside. Jared followed me out about to fight but stopped when he saw who it was. I smirked and waved at him before getting in the car and giving Marco a kiss, smirking slightly. Jared stood there looking dumb-struck and I winked at Marco before turning back to Jared with an arrogant smirk on my face.
"Bye Jared!" He scoffed and went back inside. Marco raised an eyebrow at me.
"And now? Must you always do something upset your brother? " He laughed when I nodded, that smirk not once leaving my face. He kissed my cheek and starting driving. I explained the whole morning drama to him and he burst out laughing.
"Good job, Princess." He said with false pride as we pulled up to the café, making me laugh again. Today was turning out to be pretty good.

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