Chapter 22

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I sat on my bed looking at a wall and biting my lip. Thoughts were flooding the air around me but I couldn't seem to hold onto just one of them. I picked up my phone, which thankfully, is now fixed. I was about to call Hunter but other call came through. Confused, I answered and put the phone to my ear.
"Kate, it's Jonathan." I could hear his friendly smile through his words.
"What's up, Jono?" I let my mouth twitch up into a smile.
"I have something I gotta talk to you about... Wanna go for lunch so we can talk?" He sounded unsure of himself and I let out a soft laugh.
"Alright, lunch sounds great."
"Awesome, I'll pick you up in about an hour?"
"Sounds good, see you then." I smiled and hung up. I was a little confused as to what he would want to talk about but I guess I'd find out later. I got off the bed and went to have a shower. The hot water felt like heaven running over my body. I wasn't to concerned about my makeup and hair but I did put a little effort into it, I tied my hair up and let my multiple piercings show. I frowned at the mirror a little - the color in my hair was fading and I had to get it done again. Jonathan would be here in about 20 minutes so I finished up and went downstairs to get my jacket.
"You going out?" Jared asked from the couch.
"Yep, going to lunch with Jonathan." I smiled.
"Who's Jonathan?" Mark frowned from next to Jared.
"Marco's best friend and my friend." I checked the time on my phone.
"Okay... Have fun I guess." Jared turned back to TV and Mark raised an eyebrow at me. I heard a car hoot outside and I gave Mark a small smile to which he rolled his eyes and diverted his attention to the TV as well.

"Marco said this was one of your favorite restaurants." Jonathan smiled as he held the door open for me.
"It is, I love it here. Thank you." I said as I walked in and went to sit at a table, Jono was looking around a bit. He sat down and a waitress came over to get our order.
"I'll have a coffee please." I smiled.
"Same as her." Jono winked and the waitress blushed before walking away. I laughed when he raised an eyebrow at her and turned back to me.
"You seem confused that she blushed." I tried to hold in my laughter so that I could talk.
"Girls just confuse me in general," he shrugged and smiled sheepishly.
"So you don't like girls?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly.
"Wouldn't say I'm their number one fan." He laughed and shook his head, running a hand through his hair. I laughed and leaned back in the chair a bit, it was actually really nice talking to Jonathan. He seemed a lot less tense around me now which I really liked.
"You said you wanted to talk about something?" I said when the coffee came, Jono took a sip of coffee before answering me.
"I did. I also feel like we got off on the wrong foot and I want to make up for that." He said it a little nervously.
"So you don't hate me?" I teased.
"Oh God no! Not at all, you're actually really cool. I guess that's why I was funny with you..." He chuckled, I could feel his worry radiating from him.
"I think you're really cool too. Calm down, it's okay." I reached over and squeezed his hand for reassurance, he smiled at me and seemed to calm down a bit. We spoke for a bit about nothing important, just making jokes and enjoying the others company. We ordered food and only halfway through our meal did things start getting more serious.

"So about you and Marco..." Jonathan said, his voice softer than it normally was.
"Mmhmm?" I took a bite of my food and waited for him to say something else.
"You're happy?" He seemed genuinely concerned that I might not be.
"Yes, I am..." My voice came out a lot weaker than I wanted it to, I took another bite of food and chewed slowly.
"What's going on with you and Hunter?"
"What do you mean?" My eyes widened a bit and my stomach felt weird.
"You guys seem to be a lot closer than just friends..." He looked down, back to his nervous behavior.
"Hunter... He was my first friend, he made me feel special and loved. I will always be more than just friends with him but I don't think it's in the way you're thinking." I decided to be honest with Jonathan.
"I see, that makes sense."
"I mean, I could say the same about you and Marco." I teased but I saw him tense a bit, I frowned.
"Marco is a different story..." He laughed softly and shook his head.
"Do you know why Marco and Hunter hate each other?" I asked, curiosity taking over.
"I do." He nodded, looking at me apologetically.
"You're not gonna tell me, are you?" I sighed.
"It's not my story to tell." He sounded regretful so I didn't push.
"That's alright, maybe one day they will tell me."
"I really hope they do, you deserve to know." He said sadly.
Jono had changed the subject after that, both of us knowing it was going down a road we didn't want it to.

The car ride was mostly silent, a few comments here and there.
"Do you think they'll ever stop fighting?" I asked.
"One can hope, they used to be really close you know." He smiled at the memory.
"Must suck..."
"Sometimes." He shrugged and pulled into my driveway.
"Thanks for lunch Jono, I had a really nice time." I smiled at him, opening the car door.
"The pleasure is all mine, it was great." He smiled and waved goodbye.

I called Hunter when I got to my room, feeling a little bit like we needed to talk.
"My little KitKat, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your sweet voice?" I laughed at how ridiculously adorable my best friend was.
"I miss you." I pouted and I know he could tell I was cause I heard him laugh.
"Not that I don't miss you too, with all my aching heart I do, but I saw you three days ago." His voice was cocky and confident, it made me smile.
"Three days is too long!" I whined.
"You know, you're always right. I'm coming to pick you up, pack your bags!" He sounded determined.
"My bags?" I laughed.
"Yes my little KitKat," he paused then after a moment, being over dramatic he declared, "We're going on an adventure!"
"Alright Mr. Pan, I'll be ready in 10" I smiled and hung up, today was turning out to be a good day.

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