Chapter 29

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One could say I was crazy to be sitting across from my ex-boyfriend while he sat next to his boyfriend, not feeling upset. Sure it was slightly awkward, but at the same time it didn't feel too weird. I felt crazy to not feel any anger towards the two of them, not even annoyance. In fact, I was happy. It made what I was about to tell Marco and Jonathan a lot easier, I mean, it was still pretty difficult but I knew I had to tell Marco. After how he broke down and felt like he messed things up with Hunter and I, he deserved to know the truth about what happened.

Jonathan had come out the room a few minutes after Marco had started crying and instantly went to him, taking him in his arms and whispering things to him.
"Everything is going to be okay... It's going to be alright... I love you... We'll get through this... Don't cry... I love you... It's okay..." Jonathan had hushed Marco until he calmed down and they just held onto each other. It pulled at my heart and all previous anger and annoyance I had felt left. They seemed so perfect together, they just fit with each other. They held each other up emotionally, I could see that much by how they spoke to each other. Jonathan kissed Marco's forehead before suggesting we all go sit in the living room and talk.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Jonathan snapped me out my thoughts.
"What?" I asked, not really comprehending what he had just said to me. He laughed a little and shook his head.
"I'm sorry it had to end up like this... With you... Uh, finding out that way." He said again, he gave a nervous smile and shifted uncomfortably next to Marco.
"It's fine. I mean, I would've preferred not to see... That...but I'm fine." I said quickly, feeling my cheeks heat up a bit at the mention of walking in on them. Jonathan visibly relaxed a bit and Marco took his hand. Both of them still had a really tense aura surrounding them though. Marco's grip on Jonathan's hand tightened a bit and he looked nervous.
"Kate, I know it's a really awful thing to ask right now, but please don't tell anyone." Marco pleaded with me. I furrowed my brows at him. Did he seriously think I was going to? The thought seemed so far away to even consider doing something that awful to them. It wasn't my right to tell anyone.
"Of course not. I wouldn't do that to you guys." I said sincerely and looked down at their hands, a small smile forming on my lips. I knew why they kept it a secret and I wasn't the type of person to go and tell a secret that wasn't mine to tell. Hunter had been doing the same thing. I had gotten upset with him for no reason. I made him feel awful about something that he had no control over. I would have to talk to him soon. I needed to sort things out with him - I practically told him to leave.
"You're really cool about this." Jono seemed confused but relieved.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned lightly, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. We all knew what Jonathan meant though, and that was not a light topic.

A lot of people would treat them differently and maybe even be rude about it. Too many people would feel uncomfortable and think it wasn't right to feel that way towards the same gender.
"Cause you know... Kind of, uh, you know, gay and all. People tend to be funny about that." He shrugged sheepishly.
"Oh, I don't mind that. It doesn't change anything. Love is love and all that." I waved it off, giving them a genuine smile.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Marco sounded angry, not at me, but at himself. He ran both his hands through his hair, causing him to let go of Jonathan's hand. Jono placed that hand on Marco's back, lightly rubbing circles.
"Look, there's something I have to tell you as well..." I said softly and nerves gripped at my stomach as a lump formed in my throat.
"Of course. What is it?" Marco asked, slightly concerned and leaning towards me, but putting his hand on Jonathan's thigh.
"I uh, I don't know how to say this... I heard you and Jono talking when Hunter and I got back from our trip and..." I trailed off but the apologetic looks on both their faces said they knew what I heard. That wasn't what I wanted to say though.

"I'm sorry about that, I know I'm such a bad person and I-" Marco started but I cut him off.
"I slept with Hunter." His eyes went wide at my statement.
"You what?" I couldn't place the emotion in his words, it was a mix of; anger, confusion, sadness, happiness and most evident - betrayal.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just... I love him and I don't know if I regret it or not. Marco, I'm so sorry! It started on the trip when we kissed and I just... I wanted it to be him." I said quickly, feeling really bad about what I had done.
"You slept with my brother while you were with me?" Marco looked horrified and angry at the same time.
"I, uh, yes," I looked down at my lap.
"What the hell? You cheated on me!" He almost shouted. I looked at him like he was insane, I saw Jonathan giving him the same look I was. I don't think he realized what he was saying.
"Are you seriously upset right now?" Jonathan asked him in that 'you've-got-to-be-kidding-me' voice.
"Of course I'm upset." Marco snapped, standing up from the couch and pacing back and forth.
"You've been cheating on her from the beginning of your relationship! Not to mention cheating on me with all of those skanks," Jonathan was yelling but stopped and gave me an apologetic smile, "Not you Kate," before continuing his rant,  "And you think you have the right to be upset because she slept with Hunter, who she is so clearly in love with?" Jonathan's frustration and anger with the whole situation shone through like someone had lit up a huge bonfire. He glared at Marco like he was an idiot.

"I..." Marco looked at him, shocked, and blinked a few times. Clearly Jonathan had never yelled at him before, or if he had, not like that. Jonathan's face instantly softened and he bit his bottom lip, standing up as well and taking Marco's hand. Marco face fell and he looked down, but Jono moved closer and touched his face gently.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell." He apologized quickly, sounding a little pained that he had hurt Marco's feelings by losing his temper.
"No, you're right." Marco laughed sadly, "You're always so right." He squeezed Jonathan's hand before turning to me again.
"I have no right to be mad." He shook his head, looking regretful.
"Maybe a little annoyed," I allowed with a smile, which he returned.
"I guess I'm just not used to Hunter getting the girls, he's always been a bit of an outcast with no friends- until you of course." Marco smiled sadly at the thought.
"I guess he likes to keep to himself..." I thought aloud.
"He didn't tell you he was-" Jono started but was interrupted by Marco, who sounded like he was trying to change the topic.
"Speaking of my brother, where is he?" Marco gave Jono a warning glare then looked down the hall before walking towards Hunter's room.

I got up and followed him, feeling slightly confused as to what he and Jonathan were talking about. When he reached Hunter's door, he knocked but got no answer.
"That's strange..." He said softly and opened the door, revealing an empty room, but clothes were scattered on the floor and a few draws were open. He frowned and stepped inside, searching around the room and the bathroom.
"Hunter?" He called out. Again, he got no answer.
"Did he go out?" I asked but my stomach felt weird. I looked over the desks and saw a few razor blades messily thrown around and a few bandages. The odd feeling in my stomach reached a sky-high level but I chose to ignore it. He would've told me about something like that.
"I don't know, he must've. I just don't know where he could've gone. He normally doesn't leave the house, or his room for that matter, unless he's going to you." He spoke calmly but the look in his eyes displayed fear.
"Marco?" I asked cautiously. He turned to look at me, he shook his head and pushed out the room.
"Marco? What's going on?" Jonathan asked when he saw Marco storm into the room. Marco stopped right in front of Jonathan and they started speaking softly, obviously thinking I couldn't hear. I heard though and what I heard made my blood run cold.
"He's gone. The room is a mess, and Jono the... Things... Are all over." Marco told Jono, his voice like ice.
"Do you think it's like last time?" Jono asked worriedly and Marco ran a hand through his hair.
"I don't know, you never know with him." He sounded stressed. My heart rate was beginning to pick up. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.
"We have to find him before he does something stupid again." Jonathan said, trying to stay calm, which I guessed was for Marco's sake because a hint of worry was seeping into his voice.
"Guys, what's going on?" I asked nervously. They both looked at me but neither said anything, just looking at me like I was a lost puppy. They needed to tell me before I lost my mind thinking of what could be going on.

"Guys!" I started getting frustrated.
"This isn't the first time Hunter's run away...last time, he tried to kill himself... But I don't think... He didn't have a reason to be..." Marco said softly and my heart dropped, my breath caught in my throat and my knees gave out from under me causing me to fall to the floor. Jonathan and Marco were both quick to move towards me.
"Hunter's never tried that before..." I shook my head, "He would've told me... He... He would've told me!" I cried.
"We'll find him." Marco assured me, lifting me off the ground and holding me close. I grabbed onto his shirt and clung to him. Hunter always seemed so content, so happy with himself. There's no way I was hearing this right, I had to be dreaming.
"He would've told me..." I sobbed.

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