Chapter 3

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After class I was packing up when Hunter touched my shoulder and said, "I have English now with Mr Johnson, you know where that is?" My heart literally stopped and I nodded, "I'm in that class too" Hunter smiled and said "Perfect! We'll walk together" I simply picked up my bag and walked silently next to him until we reached the class.
"Well, here we are..." I said walking into the class.
Oddly enough Hunter was in all my classes, it made me feel weird because it's so cliché that something like this would happen. It's setup for a typically basic story line, I sigh and think, 'This is so damn typical! Like seriously?' But a big part me didn't mind it, the thought of spending more time with Hunter made me happy. I stopped. What was going on with me? This was weird for me, not only did I hate people, I didn't talk to them yet here I was talking to Hunter and actually liking him!

School ended and I quickly made my way out of the building and to my brothers car. Jared showed up and gave me a funny look before unlocking and getting into the car, I followed suit and waited for Mark.
"What's up with you?" Jared asked while fixing his hair in the mirror, his question caught me off guard cause normally we don't talk in the car, or ever.
"Excuse me?" I blurted like an idiot
"What. Is. Up. With. You." He spoke slowly as if talking to a small child, I took a deep breath.
"Nothing?" I said it like I was questioning his intelligence but he just snorted and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, okay. I'll believe you brat but you look all flushed so I know something's going on...maybe a boy" he said it like it was no big deal and that I'd just tell him then he winked and turned away. I groaned at his comment.
"Whatever" I mumbled then Mark arrived and took one look at Jared then turned to me and said, "What's up with you?" I huffed at him and he widened his bright green eyes at me and snarled, "Okay brat, when your ready to talk" then started the car and drove off.
Was it really that obvious that I felt attracted to someone? Or were they just pulling my leg? This sucked, big time! But if they knew, would they really be so calm about it? Huh, maybe they really just didn't care that much.

I don't even understand why I feel attracted to Hunter! I. Don't. Like. People. 'That's not stopping you" My mind practically yelled at me. I plugged in my earphones and started to draw a picture, not thinking of what I was drawing. When I finished my breath caught in my throat, I drew the most dreadful but beautiful thing ever... Hunter. I actually, physically slapped myself. I had just met him! This, this was not okay! Not in the least, it was creepy for one! Something was wrong with me, I shouldn't even be that attracted to him! I was so confused.

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