Chapter 8

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'Not yet? What does that mean' I kept asking myself again and again. Did I like Hunter? I don't know. Marco had started something that I didn't know how it was going to end, it clearly made Hunter feel a certain way; I mean what was he going to ask me? This could either go really good or really bad! Before I could go back to thinking of what Hunter said my phone chimed. I raised my eyebrows at it and didn't move for a while, confused. Then I went to pick it up.

*Hey K! Got your number from Hunter's phone! Hope you don't mind, princess! -Marco*

I gave the message a long look, sighed and replied

*Oh, Hey!*

Normally people didn't text me, sometimes Hunter called me but that was it, I wasn't really sure how to talk over text messages, Hunter knew that it made me uncomfortable because you never really knew how the person was reacting.

*We should hang out! You seem interesting, would like to get to know you*

His message confused me, it had to be a joke. Would he be so forward? Maybe it wasn't even Marco. I was confused and I just looked at the message for about 2 minutes, then my phone chimed again

*What? Did you die of excitement?*

I rolled my eyes but laughed

*Funny! Yeah, okay. Sounds cool*

I guess it wouldn't hurt. I mean it wasn't like me at all, something was going to go very bad...

*Hell yeah! See you then, Princess!*

I felt my cheeks get warm and mentally slapped myself, what was that? No, these Smith boys are something else and it's starting to confuse me!

Marco and I met for lunch at a small café. It was quiet which I liked and had the best coffee ever, which I also liked. We sat at a table right at the back of the café where we were almost out of sight of everyone else. I smiled at the isolation- being away from people was nice.
"This place is cool" Marco smiled across the table at me.
"I love it here, it's really peaceful" I said and looked down at my hands, I wasn't used to talking to other people. Hunter was the only other person I'd come here with, the only other person I'd really spoken to.
"You okay?" Marco asked, sounding a little concerned.
"Uh, yeah" I said. Marco was about to say something when the waitress arrived, she smiled at Marco and completely ignored me. I sunk lower in my chair and kept my head down.
"Know what you want?" Oh God, she had one of those high pitched 'I'm a bitch' voices. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I let my hair fall into my face so I could hide the irritation my face was radiating.
"Two coffees, please" Marco said with an easy smile, looking around the table at me, the waitress finally looked at me, her eyes daggers as I moved my hair out of my face but she nodded, smiled at Marco and left. I sighed and rested my head on my hand, letting some of my hair fall into my face again. Marco tilted his head to the side a bit and smiled a genuine smile at me. He made me feel nervous in a way that I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. 'Friends.' I mentally told myself, 'He just wants to be your friend.'
"What?" I asked him, feeling my cheeks get warm and tried to hide it by letting more hair fall forward. His gaze made my heart race.
"No, nothing. Just, you're different from all the other girls" he laughed. I sat up straight and my hair bounced up at the jerking movement and fell so half my face was covered. I was close to getting up and leaving, I wasn't sure whether he was making fun of me or being nice. Either way I was nervous and uncomfortable. I felt a little defensive but when I tried to speak I couldn't form the words.
"I-I'm..." I was lost for words, I didn't know what I was. Marco leaned over the table and gently moved the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear, he let his hand linger there for a moment before dropping it.
"It's a good thing, Kate." He said in a tone that sent shivers down my spine. I felt my cheeks warm up and hoped he didn't notice.
"Oh...okay" was all I managed to say. When the coffee came Marco lifted the cup to his lips without taking his eyes off me. His eyes were bright in the sunlight, a beautiful brown that melted my heart. I took a sip of my coffee, but I looked away from Marco.

We laughed and spoke for a while about things that were ridiculous and some things serious, he was really easy to talk to and I liked being around him. He was completely different to Hunter but I got along so well with him. He reminded me of Hunter in the way that he knew how to make me laugh and he made my stomach and heart feel weird- in a good way, I guess. We payed for our third cup of coffee when we decided it was getting late. Then he walked me home. We were laughing and bumping into each other the whole way.
"So Hunter gave you my number?" I asked, looking up at Marco. He was a little taller than Hunter but not freakishly tall. It was nice. He smiled down at me, "Not exactly, I had to steal his phone when he wasn't looking!" He laughed and I widened my eyes.
"Why didn't you just ask him for it?" I gave him a nervous smile that I hoped didn't look retarded.
"Oh, no I did. He said no" Marco frowned then smiled at me. I raised my eyebrows.
"Oh..." I looked at the floor, confusion swimming around me.
"He just thought we were too different, is all" Marco quickly said, seeing my confusion.
"R-right" I said and we walked in silence for a bit. When we reached my house, Marco took my hand.
"Thanks for the great time, Kate" he bent down and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked down.
"I had fun, thanks for asking me" I said. Marco smiled and let go of my hand, "See you soon" he kissed my cheek again and walked away. My heart was racing.

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