Albus Prologue

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I kept my mask on hiding my face. I kept my grip on my Mordax Saber tight, my bounty probably rose to an higher amount of Mints, still didn't stop me from searching for my love, Rosina Macaria. Nothing would stop me. Her bloodline is important more than it always has been, I walked the streets of Alexandrea heading to the port. For those who don't know me... My name is Aithan Raven. My family was targeted when the Concisura Crisis happened, that Severing alone made the City of Pharus complete ruin. I don't know what happened to Zihrun, Estrid or Jeremias. All that I knew is that they were dead back then. But my sister was alive and playing her hand of strategies against the current ruling Crown and Royal Consul in Elyseum. She even got the Royal Consul position to even the playing field.

Of course she doesn't know that I am alive yet... that time will come. Now I search for the woman I fell in love with before Terra entered this Severed Era. I had many titles, The Pernicies was my latest one, I was a Bane to those who challenged me. I wasn't a pushover nor was I someone to fuck with. One title I had was the Lonesome Prince, that title hinted that I was of Highblood. I was trying to hide it though how I carry myself Individually was something that gave it away and the way my Aura gives off certain feelings when I enter a room...

I entered the Craft with the crowd of traders and mercs. Always fucking mercs. I kept my guard up. Of course some mercs eyed me. I didn't do anything just kept to myself. This Craft was full of at least three thousand people. I kept my steps rhythmic with the crowd in order to force sight off me. Not like I was noticed already. This craft was going to travel over Nova Roma towards Britannia now Elyseum territory. From what I heard about the Anomalous Zone this Craft would be traveling through literal hell... I leaned against the wall in the Cargo hold of the Craft with the four hundred mercenaries, Just great, I was out numbered! The only advantage I had on them was a Impact-Shield that was modified to my trench coat with Kevlar leasing, so yes each bullet that hit me when I did get shot hurt.... I glanced at each merc. Some didn't look like they wanted to face me, good for them they would just be another number added to the already high count I had.

One Mercenary gripped his pistol tightly. The Craft roared signaling that it was lifting off. Which caused most of the mercs to try and catch their footing, with me all I did was a swift and rhythmic step to keep my balance while the merc that looked like he was going to try and claim the bounty fell forward, I did a quick rear hook then tossed him over my shoulder before shifting his weight on to the metallic ground. The sound of his scream of pain and the bone cracking echoed in the Cargo hold. That Mercenary went stiff after a few minutes of me channeling Anima through out his body. After that the other mercs stepped back. I made my statement without a word spoken.

I felt the rough jerk of gravity slam me into the wall, I held my scream but the screeching sound of metal breaking was very clear. Well so much for a quiet trip. I acted and ran. Dashing over boxes and weapon caches I needed to find a place to become a decent place to hide in. I unlocked a coffin like device it was Egyptian in style not ancient it was sleek and clean even though it was Gothic in design. I closed myself in. Before I knew it a hud popped up, I tilted my head "Huh, thats different." I braced myself feeling the full weight of the Craft slam into the ground with the radiant thunder of explosions happening with the sound of men and women dying. I waited for about a few hours or so....

I inhaled then exhaled before opening the door of the coffin like device. I fell to my knees. I recognized this place, I stared at the ruined Eiffel Tower with the blazing debris of the Craft in front of it, bodies were scattered across from it. People who survived were trying to help the wounded. I sighed knowing that this was a bad place to be in period. I jerked my sight towards a echoing, burst of gunfire. One Mercenary dropped in front of me with a twenty inch hole in his head, the man was dragging another without his legs that man screamed in anguish

"H-help me please!" I did a shrug and drew my Mordax Saber stabbing the wounded man in the throat then pulled it out swiftly dashing into cover when another ringing gunshot came. I scanned around, Paris was now Bandit territory or well completely lawless. I noticed that at least fifty Bandit Marauders advanced firing their carbines into the people who were just trying to escape this hell. I shook my head and ran the other way from the Craft. It looked like I had to continue my search once I found my Custodia Assault Bike. I dived into cover when two mercs fired at me, I peeked from the piece of wreckage. At least my bike was still in good condition, the mercs on the other hand were a bit dazed with the sudden situation change. I exited cover with my neurons and my nerves flaring up when I channeled then released in the direction of the two mercs. Both dropped dead while I sheathed my biting blade. I grunted a bit lifting my bike up.

The Custodia Assault Bike was made for combat it was a piece of A. C. I. Tech it had Impact-Shielding and four 50 Caliber guns at each side with a autoloader. These bikes were made for rough terrain as well combat either pitched to urban. I got on and chuckled listening to the heavy roar when I reved it up. I did a quick motion turning it unleashing a volley into the ten Bandits rushing over, I turned it again and sped out of the direction of the Transport Craft leaving the people there to their fate...

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