Corvus Albus: Duo

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Anomalous Zone Overlook

The Anomalous Zone itself is full of beast mutated by the change the Severing did. Some are just born of Anima. Wolves have been twisted in their form, they have spines on the back and are dire in size. Like they have been evolved. They act as hounds full of hunger for the spirits of many. Most have become linked to the Daemons and Diveans. The eyes they have match the darkness and the moonlight. Hawks have been morphed in a horrific mix of other beast some representing Griffins that hunt for the flesh of Concisuran and Earthkin alike.

Though our species learned to evolve but with the uncured genetic decay most men of the Anomalous Zone have changed dramatically turning feral yet they are not Bandits that live in this hell, these men are classified as "The Nefas" or the Wronged. Which have various mutations ranging from arms and hands alone becoming natural weapons. some have turned to cannibalism.

Bane's Insight

I slowed my speed while I drove. I was on the outskirts of Trier, I noticed movement in the Mattheiser Wald, the nature preserve. I reved my Assault Bike when a Griffin like beast started to rapidly run towards me, it had a body of a wolf with a head of a hawk, the front legs were hawk like as well. I began to drive fast while the thing just let a distorted screech that had a man's scream within, It flew up. I continued to drive. Well this was just fucking great now was it?! I maneuvered right, the beast slammed into a husk of a car though it recovered. It continued to give chase. I did a slide then stopped as five more of the beast landed in front of me. I glanced around I had some escape routes now that I wasn't in the outskirts. I tapped on one of the handles, a capsule launched from the back then broke up around four feet in the air with the smoke screen covering me. I gripped the handles tightly and sped off to the left heading towards St. Valerius

I parked at the ruined church, it was night or so I thought. I scanned around with my eyes before getting off my bike, it was quiet... to damn quiet. I gripped my biting blade taking a deep inhale, exhaling out after before kicking open the door to the church. After all it was a ruin now, not like I was interrupting anything. I noticed one man with a Nyhnor sigil on his cape kneeling down in prayer in the middle of the empty room of the church.

He did sense me with how his head turned. He had a mask on that was standard looking like an hockey mask in style. He chuckled raising up his hands, his Armor was a set of Eques Tac-Plate with a hood. I knew he was Earthkin like me, I kept my grip on my Mordax Saber tight, he had two at least. One more like a samurai would have. The other more so of a Daemon motif.

"Ah, I didn't expect to see the Bane here." Did this fucker just use a mocking tone with me? He did use a mocking tone like it was something to bask in. If he wanted to fight I wouldn't mind killing a Nyhnor fuck anyway, from what I heard on my travels they were massive jackasses..

I broke my silence with a laugh "You think a man of my reputation isn't known for faith?" With the end of my statement this Nyhnor Admonitor snapped his fingers setting the shrine ablaze. I knew what statement he was pushing, I already disliked the guy and we just met. I let a deep sigh of displeasure out.

The man let another question out "Your name?" I wasn't going to tell this bastard. I kept my distance from him, I stayed were I was standing, I scanned around as two Nyhnor Acolytes stood up from the chairs. Three on one, fair fight. "Who are you looking for?" The Bastard asked another question.

I answered glancing at both Acolytes "A woman." I wasn't to name names. Wasn't worth the risk. The Bastard drew one of his Mordax Sabers and aimed at the sigil of the Red Spider Lily

"Ah is her family known by that flower?"

This guy really was digging deep. I kept my composer, relaxed my muscles too. I had to strike first. I did a subtle shrug. The Acolytes stepped closer both placed a hand on my shoulders. I breathed in, of course the man was studying my reaction he kept his biting blade aimed at me.

I pressed on the hilt of mine then my neurons and nerves blazed to life I released, the channel up blinking up at least eight feet, in the air when the Acolytes got turned into a crimson mist. The man huffed and blinked up, he elbowed me in the gut causing me to hit the wood floor with a loud thud. I rolled left dodging his stab towards me, I drew my biting blade and swung at him while it sparked with Anima. He blocked and forced a lock of edges. I gave him a stare full of sharpened daggers. He tilted his head and twisted, I did a counter twist with the different colored sparks flying from both blades, the sound of the ground cracking a bit was radiant, we were even in Spiritus level.

"I should ask. Before I forget, your name?" I tried to be as humorous as possible, didn't really hide my sarcasm though. He unlocked the blades kicking me into one of the pillars.

The Bastard shifted right swinging "Ivarn Traval." Was this fuck related to the Royal Consul? No he was related to that asshole! I parried then swung back horizontally, he flicked his other biting blade out of its sheath blocking the swing then tried to send a rapid Multi-strike forward with both of his blades. I slid back. His blades were in an X motion our blades locked again. I did a quick channel and swung up unlocking the lock. I dashed towards him but he blinked over me. I slid in a swift turn deflecting a swing.

I heard him whistle once before blinking away. Five Nyhnor Knights decloaked, no rest for the wicked apparently... I didn't know that cloaking tech was a thing now! The Knights prepared their stances with their different bladed weapons. I did a fool's guard stance, the Knights were Earthkin by the builds they had, if they were Noctrean, Daemon or Divean I would be able to tell by the unique stances they used. The Knights charged fourth, I parried and twisted my blade cutting through one's neck. The second I used his own weight against him with Anima before slicing the third and fourth through the torso. The fifth rushed me I flipped him over my shoulder and stabbed down then pulled out into a swift swing. All five Nyhnor Knights fell lifeless once I sheathed my Mordax Saber after a rapid flick to clean the blood off it.

I managed to consulate my bearings and flex my right hand letting the hiss of excess Anima exit my physical frame before exiting the church. I eyed the sky with two Dropships patrolling, they had the same sigil as the Bastards I fought. If I run into Ivarn Traval again, his death will be quick but painful... I have taken a few minutes to scan my surroundings, I've been to Germany before now, I was blind to the situation within. I activated the map on my wrist pad which shimmered to life with hints of static. Because of the Anomalous Zone it blocked me from seeing the global situation. At least I gained knowledge of what is up with Germany faction wise, the current Territory I was in was scouted endlessly by the Nyhnor Pact. The faction that had Berlin was known as Reingard. The faction that had Hannover was known as the Krig. Oh. Wait did I just kill a checkpoint full their Servicemen? Well fuck, anyway! I saved the information the Krig were Fascist, honestly I didn't think that view point still existed granted after the Severing some will resurge, Reingard was based off of Imperial Germany. Which was pleasing to know, I got back on my Custodia Assault Bike and began the track there... hopefully nothing would stop my path. I didn't mention it though both Factions were at war with each other... at least I knew my support for one already.

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