Corvus Albus: Primis

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I made my way towards Verdun but I noticed a Dropship tailing me, it lowered itself in a hover continuing to follow me. It had Regina Initiative emblems on it I said under my breath "Fuck me." No literally fuck this shit! Last thing I needed was some corporate fucks ruining my travel plans. I did a slide into a turn in the maneuver tapping on both handles of my bike, echoed vooms exited from the back of it with small cylinders shot up into the air then broke apart releasing the payload of C-4 explosive causing the Regina Initiative Dropship to crash land nearby. I did another maneuver unleashing a volley of 50 BMG rounds into the grounded Dropship. I parked it and got off my bike in a single movement, slid two fingers over my wrist pad making sure that the bike was providing overwatch. I drew my biting blade rushing forward slicing through a Agent, that caused the Probie with the other two Agents to toss his Carbine to the side. For once I would show a little mercy. The incoming projectiles slammed into my center mass which caused the Impact-Shield to spark up even though I staggered in my step. 7.56 mm that had a bit of force to it. I moved with the wind letting my Mordax Saber speak for me. The Agents dropped. I picked up a pistol from one and unloaded the mag into the Pilot seat glancing at the Probie.

I aimed the pistol at the man "Cam off now. Or I splatter your brains where you stand." The area from the road was forested I wasn't even close to Verdun but this stop felt like it was needed.

The F. N. G. put his hands up "Okay, okay!" He disconnected his helmet from his set of Eques Tac-Plate I eyed him, the man was ashen in skin tone but a bit light in actual complexion. I tossed the empty pistol aside but kept my biting blade unsheathed in order to show I make the demands.

He didn't know how to react, I did make my unsaid words clear. He gulped keeping his eyes on me. I stepped closer and made sure that I was at a distance. I aimed my biting blade at the man making sure that the tip of the blade itself pressed against the chest in position of the heart.

"Name?" I asked flexing my right hand a bit in order to bring up file information of the F. N. G. to show in the eyes of my mask.

He answered "Lycus Kale.." when his name was said I gazed over the file shown in my mask. He didn't know what I was doing. I realized that he was an Ex A. C. I. Praetor, may be sparing him was the right play. I lowered my Mordax Saber and sheathed it.

Kale let out a sigh of relief "S-so I'm not going to die right?" I chuckled and shook my head placing my left hand over my mask and my right hand on my hood. I took off the mask and let the hood drop with a deep breath letting steam exit my mouth looking up to the grey yet blazing orange sky.

"You're not, but mind telling me why you joined the corporate fucks?" I made sure that my voice sounded as displeased as possible. Lycus knew a tone of a Raven,it hit him. He smiled and bowed his head respectfully towards me. At least he knew how to gain favor from a Raven.

Lycus glanced around using his combat knife to take the IFF tag off his Armor when he replied "I joined because of orders from Brax." That was new to learn about. I relaxed my posture. I knew Centurion Brax, he was a good guy.

I thought silently, if Estrid contacted him then I might need to hurry and find the Macaria family quick. I inhaled, Lycus glanced at me. I had a feeling of what he was going to ask. I took out a Spirtus Gem of around Omega+ level, that would be enough to give him a boost since he was already Immortal with his current level of 50+++. I tossed it over to him

"You're not rolling with me. Sorry to disappoint..." Kale caught the gem and channeled into it gaining the level. He frowned but gave me a salute when I put my mask and hood back on. I got back to my Custodia Assault Bike and drove off heading to Verdun as planned.

I didn't know if I would run into Kale again, right now paths are unseen. Even for me all that mattered now was to find my Red Spider Lily, no matter the symbolism. I loved her and I promised her the world, after that other Realms which would lead to the stars. That was the goal of my path. I kept driving through the hellscape that was Verdun and onward to Luxembourg I went, this Anomalous Zone wasn't like the Dead Zone, from what I witnessed the Zoners here would be the toughest I had to face, but was I also a Zoner? Honestly yes I was one that doesn't stop me from following society alone. Our species was built and forged because of society. Without it no matter the shade we are still Terran or Human. Now a days Earthkin.

May my soul show my strength, May my soul show my love. May my soul burn bright, May my soul light the paths unseen, May my soul act as my will, May my soul act as my blade. May my soul avenge the fallen, May my soul find her.

I stopped at a checkpoint leading to Germany. The men there wore grey uniforms with Kevlar, standard Serviceman loadout with Carbines. In hand to hand they needed to use a common Combat knife the men also had stahlhelms modified with facemask. I inhaled soon after exhaled... I drove up slowly

Well lets see where this leads me. Gee I hope they're not hostile towards me.... I stopped driving once I got closer to the checkpoint. The men aimed at me. I tilted my head raising my hands slowly, mistake number one. Aiming guns at me, I hated getting aimed at, Mercs didn't learn until my title became The Bane. I kept my body language calm and collected. I gave each of the ten men a stare full of daggers... one reached to pull me off my bike, in an instant I drew my Mordax Saber cutting the head clean off the Serviceman, the others tried to react but I let a volley free from my Assault bike, they all dropped. I sped off without a second thought now entering Germany.

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