Gloria Fortis Miles: Primis

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I exited the Palace of Science and Culture with my biting blade out already while the orchestra of war roared closer. This was it, I had to give it my all. I got on my Custodia Assault Bike and sped off with two others following my lead. I saw a Nyhnor Transport Craft take at least two Uva Missiles to the side which caused it to shake a bit though it landed and deployed its troop load. I listened to the pop, pop, pop. Of gunfire followed by a symphony of hums from the Nyhnor Tribunes. The Drahan Pact fell in a week. I did a slide on my bike then let my biting blade slice through a Tribune. One Operator shot down twenty-one Tribunes. The second with me was taken out by a mortar volley. I did a quick turn but I felt weightlessness enter my frame. I rolled when I hit the ground with a gasp, a Chosen with a Siege-Hammer rushed forward after he sent my bike to the left. This alleyway was decently sized and had enough space for movement. I got up and kicked my Mordax Saber back into my hand, sparks flew when our weapons connected, I slid a bit.

The Chosen spoke "I'm going to enjoy killing a Bane..." I gave him a stare of daggers then I twisted without warning with my biting blade slicing through the Chosen's throat. Red rained from him while he fell. I ran out of the alleyway, Elyseum Transport Craft were landing on the outskirts of Warsaw, I saw Kale slam down a Nyhnor Tribune nearby.

Lycus said to an A. C. I. Paladin "Sedras go with Raven." The Paladin nodded and ran over to me, Lycus ran off to somewhere else. The echo of war was still radiant, I gave a glance at Sedras. He waited for my orders.

I broke my silence "Go to the Palace of Science and Culture, make sure that V. I. Ps are evaced, do I make myself clear Paladin?" He did a quick salute and ran off towards the location. I let out a sigh then began to head for the center of Warsaw.

Nil Ira: Primis

Nyllus appears by his Forth Horseman. Traval watches while Elyseum forces advance firing their ranged weapons as Nyhnor Transport Craft from the second wave unleash their Missiles like arrows. The inside of the city begins to crumble and turn ablaze.

"City named of war, falls to ruin because of resistance..." The Rekindler's voice gets colder at the end of the statement. Traval nods and watches as the Transport Craft land deploying their load of men. Both advances are met by resistance from the remaining legions of the Drahan and the Qiryn with the A. C. I.

The defenders fight with the same zeal as Elyseum and Nyhnor. Not wanting to fall without taking more with them. this makes The Rekindler want to use his harsher strategies, he knows that human nature is useful but the will to fight a losing battle brings wrath to this Nil.

{{A. C. I. Helm feed: Bonfyre}}

"Hey Bonfyre eyes up!" Her friend Wildfyre says with a smile before placing his facemask on. She leans back keeping her Colt AR-29 close to her chest, she aims after a minute or two out the trench sending out three burst at the charging forces.

Wildfyre chuckles and ignites his AR. he gets tackled by a Elyseum Paladin, Bonfyre springs into action with her helm feed jerking back, the man from Elyseum, a place of order now bringing suffering to people who resist the Nihilist view of the Rekindler. She pulls her knife and drives it into the Paladin. Wildfyre gets up holding his side just above the ribs,

"Don't worry about me. Lets give these guys hell!" He picks up the Vis-Gladius and charges with the Knights of Drahan and Qiryn, Bonfyre worried for her friend picks up her Rifle and fixes a bayonet following.

The feed bobs and weaves while the sound of steel and pained screams echo. Bonfyre impales a Warden of Elyseum before falling to the ground. The Horseman glances at his master, the master tilts his head. The feed moves to the Rekindler's face with a welcoming expression. Bonfyre slowly raises, Wildfyre lunges at the Rekindler his final mistake, this Rekindler snuffs this wild flame in an single biting swing.

"A shame you chose to fight fairest flame of bonds." The Rekindler has disappointment radiant in his tone, Bonfyre slowly kneels down reaching for the Vis-Gladius her friend had. This Rekindler, smirks and aims at her with his left hand, snap....

[[Feed goes static]]

Corvus Ira

I stayed with the forces at the Warsaw Spire, I entered it and made my way to the roof so I can get a better vantage point of the situation. The city was already in flames, the sound of war got louder and louder. I would stand here till the last man and woman fell.

I watched as Elyseum and A. C. I. Apache class Helios danced in the sky launching Missiles like arrows, explosions in the sky were like sparkling stars. I sighed at this battle, this very battle would prove something. I won't fail, for Terra, for humanity for those who sacrificed themselves for a better future.

I let wrath enter me with pride. I will not fall, I won't give in. May my soul shine with the sun and stars, I am a Raven. I will not fall. I let my Aura blaze like a bonfire, if I had to, I would make myself a wildfire in this battle. I watched from the tower while the City of Warsaw was burning in the flames of war. It was burning like Roma.

I saw two Vtols pick up speed, their Sigils were Elyseum. I let Anima, flare-up in my nervous system with my neurons. I released the energy once I flicked my biting blade swiftly, the release gave me a sense of warmth all over, the spears and blades shredded the Elyseum Apache classes in a blink of an eye.

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