Solus Iterum: Duo

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After Warsaw fell, I wasn't expecting this reaction, I was coming up on Berlin, howls of discharges were filling the air, I noticed a T. L. A. Transport Craft with Vtols screeching over head, Gloria Fortis Miles... I continued onward, this battle yelled for me to join, I did a rough turn slamming a Nyhnor Knight through a wall, Two Minutemen stared at me, I reved my bike and sped off with the sight of Jägers following with the Minutemen, discharging their Carbines at the Nyhnor line, I pressed on the handles of my bike, the auto cannons roared to life, twenty Nyhnor Tribunes fell with fifty Nyhnor Vanguards, that caused the line to break when a helo unleashed its arrows on enemy positions, at the same time this battle was happening many others were being fought, the second battle of Warsaw was lively, the battle of Verdun raged with the battle of Paris, It was only weeks before I came to after the first battle of Warsaw. Resistance burned against whatever Rekindling Zerron had in mind... what an False fucking saint.

I slid my bike, stopping it, Ivarn Traval... his eyes were clear with hatred, I gave the same dagger filled stare back at him. I knew only one of us had to live, the orchestra of war kept its beat true, it was a beat Beethoven would have pleasure hearing if he was here to listen to it, I got off my Assault Bike. I drew my biting blade. No words spoken between us, the music of our blades unsheathed with the steel hum in the violent air, I stepped rhythmically in my stance, as did this Horseman. I shifted my will up blocking Traval's will, he twisted swiftly, I twisted to counter the scratching melody of blades was symphonic bliss, he swung upward, I parried our steps matching each other in a dance of sharpened hatred. He screamed and sent a wave of energetic bones at me.... Mortra... I stomped on the ground with an wall of geo shattering, I used the dust by it to move to thrust, he deflected, I riposted aiming for his shin, he stepped to this combative beat, words like music is art, the beat, the symphonies with each word must flow with melodic unity.

To know how music, that art is made you must attune yourself internally and externally, war itself has a different sound, my bloodline, my family has learned to see both arts, as something to refine our skills, we used it to guide champions across history, guide our own paths,forge empires. I shifted away from a thrust from Traval, I sent my biting blade at him with electricity dancing on its edge, he weaved under, I felt coldness enter my shin, I held my pain sternly, I feinted a downward swing, Ivarn moved to block, I sent a slash at his leg, he stepped back, I huffed and sheathed my biting blade, I flicked my wrist, I gripped both my Karambits tightly. The Horseman chuckled and sheathed his Mordax Saber.

He took off each glove he had on, he swiftly motioned his right hand to the side of him, gripping a knife, I prepared my stance, he took his stance, I lunged forward sending a uppercut, he blocked and went to strike my jugular, I kicked him back then forced him to the ground, kneeing him on each side before sending one Karambit into his forearm, shouldn't have made that move, he yelled out in hate and agony, I sent my elbow into his face splitting his mask. He tried to wrestle back control, not used to fighting dirty fucker? Of course not... Ivarn Traval didn't have no honor, he was just a Pawn, no champion of Nyhnor. I pulled my second Karambit out of his forearm, before planting my first through his throat... I twisted then pressed down until I listened to a crack of bone, clear mist left his mouth when his eyes lost their torch. I got up with a slight laugh.

After that, Nyhnor forces in Berlin started to retreat. At the same time, Verdun was victorious with from the reports I was given, the force there was heading to Paris. That was my next location in this war...

I took a knee tapping on my helm, Estrid spoke with excitement in her voice "Aithan... my god... I'm happy you're okay, I have something ergent you must know..." her tone grew cold and defeated.

"Tell me sister..." I said in return, did she see me in the Limbo Nexus? Was that why she said something when I was in it... but this was different, that... no. Damn it, my gut sank.

"Zerron linked my soul with the Prime Singularitas Matrix... I-... I need you to be the one to end my path, even though I have done so much." I hated that fact, listening to this wasn't what I called a reunion I shook my head, I didn't want to kill my own blood, not after she locked down the throne of Elyseum.

I said in disbelief "I-i will what I must, but can you promise me that you'll get Rosina in Elyseum for me please?" She knew my desperation for my loves safety was still on my mind, she knew that I would keep fighting no matter what. No matter the cost.

She said in that same sweetened tune "Aye brother, I will but I need you to do what you must. When that time comes. That path is far for now. Just come back alive for your Lady. Alright." She giggled after that statement. I chuckled feeding off it, she did that to brighten the mood.

"Fight like wolves. Okay, Zerron will loose." My sister said that with seriousness mixed with spiteful daggers. I didn't reply taking in that request she made, I knew what Fable she had, it was rare though powerful, she was linked to Earth's Vitatree, the fable alone had enough power to kill her in activation of it, with the destruction of the world itself....

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