Gloria Fortis Miles: Duo

10 2 7

I watched as an army before me in Warsaw fell one by one. I shook my head before swiftly sliding my fingers over my wrist pad, a map of the city projected out in front of me, Elyseum and Nyhnor forces were pressing hard on defensive positions. I knew that this battle would be difficult but not like this... A. C. I. forces were elite but they still had their limits, the flames consumed Warsaw with the eruption of a symphony of gunfire, I tapped on a skyscraper when I saw an Nyhnor Vtol squadron get closer, in an instant the A. C. I. Fireteams unleashed their missile vollies destroying three of the five Tols, the other two did a quick maneuver unloading their ordinance. The skyscraper fell, the crashing from it was a loud thunder echoing through the war torn city.

I sensed Traval inside one of the Tols, I let the holographic map disappear and drew my biting blade. The loud roar from the craft passed overhead, two Nyhnor Knights landed behind me, Ivarn landed in front of me drawing both of his biting blades, I took my stance, if the Rekindler came to me, I would be checkmated. I inhaled soon exhaled.

Traval spoke with his expression hidden "And so, the Fourth Horseman meets with a Raven again...." the Nyhnor Knights behind me prepared their blades, Ox guard stances, I took a fool's guard stance.

"This is not an encore yet, this is just another act in our paths..." I said knowing my own mask hid my expression of wrath. I weaved under the two Knights' swing, I let my extended will slice through them, the Horseman swung with his main biting blade, I parried and went to twist but he went to strike with his offhand bite, I was forced to dash back in an defensive manner. Damn it! This fight was going to be difficult... than our first two meetings. I Instinctively let my neural network blaze with my nerves, my Mordax Saber's edge flared a orange, I swung at Traval's he deflected with sparks flying while the orchestra of war sounded in our dance of blades. Each rhythm of the movements we made were equal in execution, the melody of the clash of steel radiated from the rooftop we were on, I slid left parrying with the loud hum,Traval's offhand Mordax Saber flew out of his grip he flicked his right hand, crimson dripped from it, I spun my biting blade entering another stance.

He huffed "Lucky hit..." I did a shrug humoring him, this bastard was going to die, if I could get a chance to. He took up form five, I entered form six in my stance we both dashed forward our blades met with flame erupting from them, I slid back when he motioned his will upward. I twisted going for a strike, he deflected sliding back in his movement. I exhaled then I sent an Anima burst blaze from my system, Traval humored it with his own but he lunged at me shifting his biting blade at my center mass, I parried then did a hastened flick at his neck with mine, he weaved backwards in his steps, we had the same rhythm, the same melody, we were the same level, I wasn't going to misstep, neither was he. We stepped to the sound of war like we were born for this.

Nil Ira: Duo

Elyseum and Nyhnor march upon the inside of the city with the Alliance within trying to make every block, a river of red. The A. C. I. Fireteams make each Elyseum Fireteam work for each and every floor. No matter the cost those who have no combat experience are baptised in ash and blood with steel and bullets. Warsaw still stands, a group manages to escape somewhere

[[Helm Feed: Achylles]]

This man knew his risk taking on his call sign, one of his friends gives a thumbs up, that man's call sign is Patroclus the drums of war draw closer where their position near the tower the Raven and the Fourth Horseman clash.

"Ready brother?" Achylles questions his sibling preparing his Vis-Hasta with the other ACI Sentinels.

Patroclus answers, with a deep breath "Aye brother. I am." He readies his Vis-Hasta. Rounded shields in view of the feed itself, the Rekindler himself marches in with Elyseum and Nyhnor men alike. Achylles takes a step back.

Zerron lets his voice known "More challengers...more for the slaughter. You may keep resisting, but all you give. Is more reason for my embers to form into sparks..." Nyllus draws his biting blade, he motions it outward causing the combined Elyseum and Nyhnor force to rush the defenders.

Achylles thrust his Vis-Hasta forward impelling an Elyseum Paladin, he unsheathes his Vis-Gladii driving it through another Paladin. Men of Paradise fighting along side Men of the Rekindling, one was supposed to be fair and just, while the other has nihilist and vile Instincts. Achylles lets his shield loose knocking five Nyhnor Knights down, he slashes another Paladin.

His camera jerks back as the Rekindler runs his biting blade through Patroclus' chest, Zerron pulls it out, Nyllus sighs into the sky before chuckling, Achylles lifts himself up, he tightens his grip around his Vis-Gladii.

"Such a shame, I thought he was you..." The Rekindler turns his gaze to Achylles. This man doesn't reply, the feed is planted into the ground.... Zerron chuckles then swiftly dashes...
[[Feed goes static]]

Corvus Ira

I kneeled taking in a deep breath, as did Traval we were getting exhausted, I couldn't give in now. I couldn't give up, not now not ever, I used my weight to pull myself up re-entering my stance, Ivarn lifted himself up re-entering his stance, I listened as silence filled the city, the errieness of it nearly shook my core. Was this battle lost? No, no, no. NO! Damn it! NO! Not this time, not now.

Desperation flooded my thoughts, I tightened the grip on my biting blade, a rhythmic voom, voom, vum hummed in my ears when he came in sight, I knew that I would have to try and bring this Tower down. Even if it would kill me.

The Rekindler spoke aiming his, Mordax Saber at me "We finally meet... your sister is such a Doll...." This bastard, how dare he say something like that about my sister? She is by no means an doll. I took an Ox guard stance, he took a fool's guard stance. Traval kept his form five stance....

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