Corvus Et Flos: Tribus

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With the Krig and Reingard in Ruins, The Nyhnor Pact consolidates Germany as the Nordic Union protest the gain. Elyseum is neutral. The T. L. A. and Nova Alexandrea contest the Nyhnor claim. The Rekindler takes this reaction to note, he plays his current hand on other Anomalous Zone factions.

Meanwhile Lady Raven and her Judge continue in Elyseum. Estrid knows that the Rekindler won't give in and will rather see the world burn like oak. She understands that what he made her know she can't risk using that destructive saga entity

Lady Raven glances at her Judge "Something else is happening in Europe. I can feel it, my brother is alive..." Burnett looks at Estrid in surprise of what she said. He saw Jeremias die, well until the realization hits him that Lady Raven had a friend and the White Raven was apart of the bloodline.

"Should I contact him M'Lady?" The Raven's Judge questions Estrid, she says nothing she knows her Judge won't read her, if she contacts The Bane, her brother she would be folding her hand. She shakes her head trusting that Fate will lead her brother somewhere. She entangles her hands placing them to her chest gazing into the starlight flooded sky, the moon is ruby red with the man staring back at her. She turns her sight away from it when she feels the Rekindler try and contact her through the mind she ignores it. For now..

Corvus Flos

The warmth from Rosina's Aura kept my mind clear and calm, Reingard fell. The King died with the faction. Now my duty was now to protect the heirs of Dietrich and my love's sister. We were traveling the waste of society. Most cities we passed were shells of their former piety, I glanced back at Rosina. She smiled like she was enjoying the feel of the wind through her hair. I let out a soft sigh before moving my focus back on the travels. 

I eyed an alert on my Assault Bike hud. It was a hidden A. C. I. Facility somewhere in Poland, thankfully we were about to pass the Leszno ruins. That facility was somewhere near Warsaw. The trip there would take at least a few days give or take. I kept leading the convoy. On the second day I signaled for a rest stop. On the outskirts of Leszno.

I got off my Assault Bike then picked up my Red Spider Lily, pressing my lips against her's. She let out a deep pleasurable sigh wrapping her arms around my neck. I lifted her up with my arms, she wrapped her legs around my waist continuing our kiss. We broke it quickly when we both listened to someone whistle in our direction, I glanced in the direction.

Cullen chuckled, Ava giggled a little. I let out a sigh gently placing my flower down, she heard her sister giggle into a chuckle. Both of us were a bit embarrassed with the passion we both showed for each other. I scratched the back of my head turning my sight elsewhere. The trees were bone white and had skull like growths in the middle with what seemed like faces of men, women and children. The trees had branches full of thorns while the leaves were multi-colored though had an crystalline glimmer to them. The Anima in the Anomalous Zone did a number for the Flora and Fauna here. It was like it was changing the environment to something else.

I glanced at Jazper "Cullen, I think we should start moving at first light. Faster we get to Warsaw the better." Cullen nodded in agreement with the rest, the feel of this area was eerie and I had a feeling that we were being watched. I slid two fingers over my wrist pad placing my Custodia Assault Bike on overwatch mode. It was a quiet night, for once I didn't have to wake up and deal with shitheads who thought I would be a easy steal or catch. At first light I got onto my Assault Bike with Rosina at my back. The Dietrich heirs entered their designated Humvee the Convoy moved on after an hour or two.

On the way to Warsaw I tapped on the buttom gage of my Assault Bike and a drone of a saucer shape flew from the left side and began to hover overhead and the Convoy showing us A. C. I. routes that were now untravel worthy.

I heard Cullen ask through coms "Hey, Raven how much longer?" From the tone of his voice I had a feeling that Jazper was kinda anxious of the roadblock. When I saw it, I let out a sigh glancing back at my flower. She knew the look I had on my face. I set the missile type to cluster. Or Uva Missiles. These Missiles had a hint of uranium in the tips. Mainly used for wiping out troublesome vehicle formations. I let the Missiles loose with the whistles from the back of my bike radiant like a drum beat. The boom, boom, boom. ended with that roadblock nothing but history. We entered Warsaw soon after. It was quiet, way too damn quiet for my liking.

I've noticed two Elyseum Apache class Vtols patrolling. I tapped on my left ear "We have Elyseum Apache classes patrolling." I scanned for A. C. I. IFFs there was multiple hidden in the buildings. Well things might get noisy quick... and who said that stealth was a viable strat? Actually no don't answer that.  I realized on the greater map of Warsaw there were ten other Elyseum Apache class Vtols coming in.

"Get VIPs in good cover." I said through coms I connected to the comslink "Hey G-0284K you read?" I knew that the ACI Guardian I was contacting was Lycus Kale.

Kale said back through coms "I'll be damned. Wanna help with the fireworks?" I sent him data of my current situation as of now. No other reply happened. My flower moved to the Humvee. The Convoy found a decent sized alleyway to hunker down in. I reved the motor of my bike enjoying its screeching roar of technological might, after all each weapon our kind made are tools no? It is best to remember, guns, knives, missiles, chemicals were all tools for Bellum, though I know that you can't have peace without war,Si vis pacem, Para bellum.

I said through coms "Gloria fortis miles." Lycus chuckled at what I stated like he knew what I met, I snickered then let the final three Uva missiles loose like arrows. When the other Apache class Vtols from Elyseum came in view. Three crashed into the road in a flame. I drove into an alley when the two in front of me ignited their rotary cannons of 50 Caliber rounds. I maneuvered again using the map of Warsaw to my tactical advantage. The A. C. I. within the buildings shot their ordinance. Three Vtols landed and deployed their Killteams. I drove to the same position, I parked my bike and got off drawing my biting blade. There was only ten Killteams of five. Total fifty men.

I quickened my steps heading towards them, I saw Kale exiting the nearby building with ACI Sentinels. The Elyseum Paladins had armor that was white and gold. Helms were rounded with a viser that was almost like a pilot with a rebreather on the bottom the helm hid the face. So much for knowing the enemy... I rushed forward the Elyseum Paladins fired their Colt AR-29s rushing against the ACI Sentinels, Impact-Shields blazed to life from both sides with some men staggering from the kinetics. I staggered feeling the same driving force every bullet had I soldiered on letting my blade act as my will, one Paladin weaved to the right drawing a knife and a Vis-Gladi, he lunged at me, Kale kicked a Paladin back. This was going to be a dirty fight.

The sound of steel against steel screamed in the night, I side stepped from the strike from the Paladin I was facing, I huffed and did a faint causing the man to get defensive before driving my biting blade across his acl. He screamed, I ended the man with a swift cut. The headless Paladin fell. I saw Lycus dodging and weaving, he grabbed one Paladin by the arm and twisted dislocating the Paladin's arm taking the Vis-Gladi then drove it in the same Paladin's neck before pulling it out using his forearm to deflect, I ran to him swinging upward, the Second Paladin fell limp and split in two, I glanced at him when the battle ended. The A. C. I. only took twenty losses, Elyseum in this fight from the twenty Killteams was a hundred dead.

Kale planted the Vis-Gladi in a dead Elyseum Paladin "I didn't think you were alive when I heard of the Nyhnor attacks." I sheathed my biting blade before shaking my head with a smile.

"Ravens never fall. I have VIPs that need to be protected." I let my tone get serious. I knew after this Elyseum would try to besiege Warsaw. Lycus understood the seriousness. He thought for a bit

Kale spoke after "We have a facility under the Palace of Culture and Science, sir." I didn't know that a facility was under that, on the other side well I understand why Jeremias did disappear from plain sight at the time. I fist bumped Kale as a sign of respect, he gave a salute after. I relayed data to the Convoy. I had to prepare... to keep my flower and her sister safe with the Dietrich heirs.

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