Corvus Albus: Tribus

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Conflict Escalation

The March of War begins with the Krig launching a advance against the Reingard. The Bane himself is almost to his way to the City Of Magdeburg. Where the battle will start.

Meanwhile the Nordic Union sends aid to Berlin supporting the Reingard. As for what families are in the Reingard that is something for this Bane to find out...


I was on the outskirts of Magdeburg when I noticed Transport Craft landing and the thunder of gunfire. Well I couldn't just stand by as the Krig made their move. I sped up on instinct, I maneuvered into a slide then boosted myself off my bike landing when Reingard Servicemen nearby a building glanced at me. I said nothing and set my bike on autopilot while I walked over drawing my biting blade. From what I saw this was a blitzkrieg strategy, I was in the central of the city. I took cover behind a wall with one Reingard Serviceman dropping dead in front of me, I noticed two ACI Servicemen and a ACI Warden. I did a whistle towards them, the Trio rushed over, the orchestra of war was full in the air. I watched as the other Reingard Serviceman dropped dead. Carbine fire was a symphony from both sides.

I set my Assault Bike on overwatch then dashed down the alleyway before jumping onto the wall and running from the other side slicing one Krig Serviceman in half before feeling bullets slam into me thank god for Impact-Shielding, I staggered a bit though I recovered cutting through the second while the ACI Warden blinked over downing ten other Krig Servicemen. He did a salute, well I didn't expect for Kale to give out that information about me either way, it was nice to have allies, I felt my nerves blaze then released a channel with it acting as a kinetic energy bolt around 100mm that slammed into a Krig Transport Craft over head causing it to crash in the outskirts a dancing flame erupted, that at least held two thousand men. I counted ten.

"Orders sir?" The Warden asked me, I thought for a moment watching a group of twenty Krig Vanguard get consumed by a volley of 50 BMG rounds as my bike acted. I spun my Mordax Saber into its sheath.

"Make sure that the cell here uses Custodia Assault runs against enemy forces." The Warden nodded hearing me, he ran off after I started to walk towards an advancing group of forty Krig Servicemen walking beside a Machina or a Figura.

Figura were mechs around 17ft in size, the mechs were still in testing phases granted they have been modified by the old world nations for utility and military purposes. Of course the A. C. I. Had more advancements with the research. I picked up my speed in my steps letting my nerves flare again, I felt my hands warm when I gripped my biting blade, I channeled into it then swung releasing the channel in a split second with the slash of Anima slicing the Figura through the torso and then exploding engulfing the Krig Servicemen in a blaze of broken metal and flame. I scanned around three Transport Craft exploded... I boosted myself up nine feet in the air, soon I landed on my Assault Bike driving towards the open outskirts of the city. Several other Bikes followed, we formed an arrow and cut through the Krig who didn't have a chance to retreat.

I drove back and made my way to the central of the city, I took a moment to get the feeling of civilization again when soldiers began to calm and civs began their routines of daily life. I kept my mask on, since war was still a factor I couldn't break my hidden façade, it wasn't the time. After a few hours or so I drove to a local bar. I needed to at least relax. Relaxation in Hell, that was new... when I got to the bar, I parked my bike and locked it incase anyone tried to steal a beautiful piece of tech like it, I entered the bar. Mercenaries and Bountyhunters silenced when they heard the sound of my steps. I didn't say anything, there were fifty men. I had Impact-Shielding and I had the skill, but I was out numbered if a fight broke out I don't know if some would go against one another. I kept my guard up and took a seat.

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