Chapter 6

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"Hey Egg breath! Open up" sonic said banging on the door looking slightly back at shadow in the blurry reflection on the metal door 'maybe he isn't all that bad' sonic thought shadow was just standing behind with his arms crossed looking away somewhere else like something was on the hedgehogs mind, "what?" Shadow asked "huh" sonic hadn't realized he was staring "o-oh nothing i-i was just wondering..what was on your mind?" Sonic stuttered trying to save himself how long was he staring??

Shadow looked at him slightly confused before answering "it's nothing" he said after a short pause his voice was no longer his normal rude voice, not this time it was a bit more..calm surprisingly "are you sure you seem pretty out of it lately" sonic said also meaning before this whole body swapping thing happened, he didn't really see shadows 'whole life' just the more traumatic parts "I'm fine faker your just imagining things" shadow said rolling his eyes "no I'm not you know i saw your memories right? i know your lying"sonic said trying to make him spill the beans

Shadow just huffed and walked ip to the door and started to bang on it once more "are they deaf why aren't they opening the door" shadow said getting annoyed

Then the large metal doors that had been sitting shut finally opened being greeted by a small twin tailed fox holding a gas mask "hey sonic, sorry i didn't hear you two its kind of hard to hear in this thing" tails said talking about the gas mask he was holding under his arm "hey tails it's alright buddy we just came to check up on you, so hows it going?" Sonic said putting on a warm smile tails still wasn't used to this since right now sonic looks like shadow and all that, you know something you'd never even think shadow could do was smile.

"Everything is going great we even found something out about the dust!" Tails said excited gesturing for the two hedgehogs to follow him

They walked through the base and went into another room it was a wide room the shape of a cube with counters on almost all walls surrounding the room each one covered in different types of scientific tools and some papers sitting on a rectangular shaped counter in the middle of the room, which there stood a tall egg shaped man behind it reading through the papers "ah, sonic i was just thinking about calling you over we found some info about the dust" Eggman said putting the papers down

"We figured out that the dust could have been the reason you guys got body swapped" tails said "yes you see upon inspection there were slight shades of pink when the dust was scraped off" Eggman said letting tails continue "we didn't think much of it then so we just looked at the dust but when we got no results we started to give up" tails said grabbing a piece of paper that was on one of the other counters and stretched his hand out for one of the hedgehogs to take, shadow grabbed the paper with sonic looking over shadows shoulder to see what was written

"But we just decided to inspect the pink dust as well when we had no success with the other one" Eggman said as the two looked through the paper or should i say papers it was actually three sheets stapled together and on it it wrote all the test they had done on the dust.

Once they got to the second paper it was only filled halfway shadow scanned his eyes through it and found nothing of importance so he went to the third page it was also filled halfway but the last words written where highlighted
Test 73-fire: successful
After the pink dust was lit with fire the substance reacted by releasing a skunk like stench and making the pink dust turn orange after a while turning yellow.

"Fire was the only thing that it reacted to but we still don't understand how you swapped bodies we still need to take a few more tests" Eggman continued "it will take a while but we'll try and figure this out as soon as we can" tails said with a reassuring smile "thanks little buddy" sonic said rubbing the two tailed foxes bangs making tails giggle "oh! I nearly forgot" tails said "huh what is it?" Sonic said while shadow handed the paper back to tails which he grabbed and held it to his chest "I completely forgot about the others! Sonic do you think you could fill them in on all this, i kinda just ran out on them" tails said rubbing the back of his head

"Of course i can, don't worry tails i got this!" Sonic said pointing his thumb to his chest with a wide grin spreading across his face tails sighed of relief "thanks sonic, i just hope Amy isn't too mad at you though.." tails said the last part was nothing but a mutter "huh, why?" Sonic said confused tails glanced towards shadow but he just looked away knowing full well why

Sonic looked where tails was looking "shadow what happened?" Sonic asked "nothing happened" shadow said crossing his arms "he kind of..well 'pushed' Amy" tails said tails said emphasizing 'pushed' when he saw it it was more like he threw her off of him if he wanted to he could have thrown her out the window for all he cared.

Sonics jaw dropped he could already imagine the angry Amy chasing after him the thought of it just making him shiver "she had it coming" shadow said "we should get going, good luck tails" sonic said finally snapping out of his eerie thoughts sonic walked out of the base and decided to go straight to his friends to clear everything up.

Once he stepped out he tried to run like he usually did but forgot one major detail...
Sonic ran a few steps but started to lose balance and tripped over a rock
Sonic fell directly into a pile of mud face first..
He forgot shadow used rocket shoes to run..

He could hear someone snickering behind him

How embarrassing

Im sorry it took way too long for me to update i nearly forgot about it i was so busy reading other fanfics I forgot about my own😅

Thanks for reading~

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