15: Time

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It's been a few weeks.

"Thanks for picking me up Kogie." I smiled, limping up onto the kerb of their house. I was supposed to stay at theirs while Martyn and Kaeyi fix up Smith and I's home. It has gotten extremely messy the past few days, according to Martyn. Kogie smiled back and opened the door, revealing a very messy and red-eyed Leo.

"May! I..." He paused, sensing my unamusement. I limped past him, grabbing him in the process, and dragged him to his room. I saw Kogie walk to his room, muttering something to himself.

I walked into the room and stared at Leo straight in the eye, and he stepped back.

"You're awfully scary even when you're injured." He laughed, but I didn't move an inch. He stopped laughing. "Look, I-"

"I'm sorry I'm wasn't the perfect girlfriend, I'm sorry I'm not one of those blonde bitches who spends hours getting ready to show off to boys, I'm sorry I don't look down on everyone I see. But if you're looking for those type of girls, I'm not the girl you're looking for. I'm skinny, has brown to blonde ombre hair, and treat everyone as they should be treated. And the way your being treated right now? You deserve it." I said and limped out of the room and sat on the couch. I heard Leo's door close and Kogie's open.

"Hey." He sat down next to me.

"Hey." I said back, and he shifted uncomfortably.

"So... This didn't go so well?" Kogie asked, and I shook my head.

"Leo fucked up." I stated, and he raised an eyebrow.

"How so?" He asked, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I caught him kissing my secondary school enemy yet his bestfriend in university-"

"Jyna Summers." He cut me off, and I looked at him in confusion. "When we recruited Leo in need of a drummer, he was dating Jyna. That girl is nothing but a Plastic." He shook his head, and I sighed.

"She bullied me a lot in highschool." I said, leaning back into the couch.


I ran. I didn't look back, I just ran. As fast as I could.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER YOU LIL' BITCH!" She shrieked, and her friends, or slaves I call them, laughed. I continued running, tears streaming down my cheeks. I can't let her catch me. I can't let her-

"COME HERE!" She appeared out of nowhere from the turning corner, and picked me up. I whimpered as she slammed me against the lockers, and she took off my bag, giving it to her slaves to loot. There was no way I could beat her, she was so much bigger.

"I found her phone! What's the passcode?" One slave asked, and I gulped. Jyna punched me in the stomach, but I didn't say anything. She continued kicking and punching me, but I refused to give my passcode. She threw me on the floor and began kicking me and stomping on me, just out of fun.

"GIRLS!" I heard a masculine voice holler. The circle of bullies dispersed, revealing to me the Headmaster of my school.

"I need to have a word with you girls." The Headmaster helped me up, but I felt a sharp pain in my side and winced as I fell to the ground.

"Maylin? Maylin!" The Headmaster's fuzzy figure shook me as the world went dark.


"Oh dear..." I heard my brother's voice in the distance. I shifted slightly as my eyes flickered open, and I saw my brother.

"Bro..." I trailed, and he smiled.

"May, I'm so glad you're okay. Next time will you please, please tell me when you're getting bullied. Please." He held me by the shoulders, more tears trickling down his tear-stained cheeks.

I nodded my head, and he smiled. I sat upright, and winced at the pain in my side.

"You broke 2 ribs and fractured your left wrist. Those girls really did a number on you." He shook his head, and I looked down.

"You have to learn to stand up for yourself sis." He said, and I nodded.

Jyna, watch out.

-Flashback End-

I returned to reality, and I saw Kogie using his phone beside me.

"I know, flashback. I get a lot of those too." He said, and put down his phone. I raised my eyebrow as he began to explain.

"My parents died in a car crash. I was bullied too in secondary school, for not speaking much. But we pulled through, didn't we?" He grinned, and I smiled back.

"You're strong. Don't let anyone put you down May." He smiled as he got off the couch, and I smiled. I heard Leo's door open.

"May, I've been thinking, that-" He stopped himself mid-sentence, probably thinking of a better thing to say.

"People say time will heal right? People keep telling me that. I know what you were going to say. Time heals and we'll get back together and we'll live happily ever after. But sorry to ruin your fantasy of hot girls and sex, things don't work like that. And for some reason, people expect me to be smiling, laughing, and just fucking living, just like before the party, because they think time will heal my broken ass shattered heart. But that's absoulute bullshit. Getting up in the mornings is just as hard as when the bitch you were kissing broke 2 of my ribs. The amount of time since you shattered my heart doesn't change the fact you did what you did. Time isn't getting rid of you eating that bitch's face. Time isn't erasing what you did. Time isn't going to bring back my broken heart and surround it around you. Time isn't going to bring back us. And you need to learn, that what you did, is exactly what any other motherfucking womanizer would have done to break a girl's heart so much. And it still hurts Leo, it still hurts." I yelled, and I heard Kogie's door lock.

"May, I... I'm sorry." Leo stuttered, as I saw tears trickle down his cheeks, and plop onto the floor.

"NO! YOU'RE NOT SORRY! And you're not allowed to cry. For all that matters, I should be the one crying. But I'm not, because I'm strong. I had to go through shit with my brother to get where I am today, shit way worse than heartbreak, and I'm not going to let a stupid boy bring me down. So next time you want to talk or apologise, think of something smarter to say than, 'I've been thinking that time heals and life is rainbows and sunshine'. Because it's not, it's really, really, not." I pushed him, and used all my strength and ignored the agonising pain in my ankle and side, and walked out the door, catching a glimpse of a crumpling Leo.

"Martyn, this is May. Can you and Kaeyi pick me up now? Things didn't go so well. Yeah, I'll tell you in the car. See ya, thanks." I hung up, and shoved my phone in my pocket, sighing.

Time won't heal my broken heart.

Heyo! I'm back! So this a extra (ish) long chapter since I've been on hiatus for so long, so yeah :3

Hope you guys liek this chapter!

Bai bai <3

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